
Who believes they are haunted?

by  |  earlier

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I am slowly stepping away from my logical and linear way of thinking. My mom died a year ago and for the past little while I feel as though she's trying to get to me. Of course I'm a skeptic, but I think I better talk to some people who believe in metaphysical or paranormal sh:t. I'm not planning on messing around with Ouija boards, they're bs. anyway, yeah. help!




  1. OK what got me started in ghost huntting was I took a picture of my mom's headstone and i didnt see it when i was there but when i put it on my pc there was her face,clear as day,

    Now i take a recrder and leave it on the grave and get voices,not only on her's but others,just take pics and leave a recorder it will work ,Good Luck

  2. I am sorry your mother died.  Before you abandon your logic completely you need to realize that desperation, in this case desperation to contact a loved one who has died, can make you believe in things you would normally believe.  Because there is so much emotion involved you can't really thinking objectively.  Because of this wishful thinking can have a powerful sway over your reasoning.

    Once you abandon critical thinking and start with the magical thinking, you will find nothing that contradicts it and plenty of things which, although perfectly normal, you will interpret as a reinforcement of your magical ideas.

    I think deep down you know talking with the dead is not possible.  I understand how you miss your mother, but don't allow some medium to disrespect her memory by scamming you out of your money.

  3. Firstly my condolences.

    Secondly there are a few ways to find out if your mother is truley haunting you. One thing that you could do is set up a tape recordered or/and video/web camera. Also you could try taking still pictures to see if you get any shadows or orbs. If you decide to take still pictures then my suggestion to you is to use a disposible camera because things show up better with less interferince from dust and stuff. If none of these ideas interest you then you could hold a can do this by calling over a few friends or even family members. Then well it's hard to explain so check out the link below for full details.

  4. Sorry about your Mom.

    Since this is the paranormal forum no doubt you will have a load of people telling you that your mother is trying to contact you but these same people will also tell you that their dog can see ghosts, and that they can tell the future and read other people's minds.

    It really comes down to what you want to believe, if you think your mother has an immortal soul that is hanging around then maybe she is trying to contact you.

    If you do believe it enough you may start to see 'evidence' like finding a penny on your floor or a feather, or maybe she will come to you in a dream.

    If you think that once  people are dead they are finished and gone then obviously she isn't.

    I don't think people are any more special than turnips and that once their life is finished you wouldn't expect to see a soul hanging around any more than you'd expect to be haunted by the little corpses in your vegetable rack, but that's just my take on things.

  5. Sorry about your mom. She probably just wants you to know she is fine, she is not haunting you or anything.

  6. If you think she is around ask her to leave you feathers as a sign put a time stamp on it say within 2 weeks. If it is her you will start seeing feathers everywhere. Try it, Youll see. If you need more info contact me.

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