
Who believes this poll?

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I'm really curious, thanks.




  1. I read this, thought of Nancy Pelosi and started laughing.

  2. I think it is hilarious, not necessarily based in truth however women "generally" are more organized and compassionate which can lead to a person thinking they are smarter or better leaders.

  3. I believe the results of the poll. I don't think the polled parties are correct, but I have no problem accepting that it reflects general stereotypical conceptions of gender roles. Most people, whether they are aware of it or not, assign certain qualities to genders. So why wouldn't most think women are better at an issue like health care, and men better with defense or protection.

  4. "the public rates women as superior to men"

    Key quote there. It is the PUBLIC. The same public who is blaming the troubles on men because that is who they think of first in the U.S. Could it be if we had more women leaders they would think different? Women through history have proven they can be just as bad, or worse, then men when it comes to bringing war and horrors if they get to be leader.

  5. Interesting. I agree.

  6. I am familiar with the Pew research organization, so I believe the poll.  I also suspect that they did a decent job of selecting the pool of potential respondents to be representative, so I tend to accept the findings.  It helps, also, that it seems to match my own experience with people.

  7. as for my point of view men are way smarter i am a women but i rather have a man in charge because you men are not as emotional and you guys are smarter

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