
Who belives in global warming?

by Guest31958  |  earlier

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Did you know that mars is getting hotter too. So that proves those those tree huggers and hipees wrong but they STILL think that global warming exists. Why? Do you think alians are drive cars on Mars and did you hear about the organic soup on Saturn? How did that get there?




  1. al gore does.

  2. The term Global Warming is a potential misnomer. It is better to concede that the Earth is and has been going through "Climate Change".

    Not to worry, based on past history, it will probably take 10 million years....Mr. Gore predicts 30 years from now! You figure.

  3. Not me, I think its all c**p.

    But anyways. we are not 100% certain if mars is warming. Its not like we put a thermometer all around mars, you know. The AGW believer's argument is that dustorms took place in mars, somehow moves the ice caps from one place to another.

  4. You will never educate those pompous pseudo-intellectual condescending self important nuts. So why try. Let them worry themselves to death! "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"-ring a bell?

  5. Actually several planets are warming or appear to be warming (not just Mars).

    I do know the planet has warmed in the last 100 years (which is good considering we just came out of the Little Ice Age). It is completely natural and as of now, no scientific study has supported the AGW theory (even though $50 billion has been spent trying to pin the warming on us).


  6. All but a tiny fraction of people, the same percent that thought that the lunar landing was a hoax:

    "Seven out of ten Americans surveyed believe that global warming is probably happening. Seventy-one percent say that global warming is probably happening, 6 percent believe it is probably not happening..."

    "A 1999 poll by the The Gallup Organization found that 89 percent of the US public believed the landing was genuine, while 6 percent did not..."

    So Einstein, why do you suppose that the other planets in our solar system are NOT warming?  Because Earth is warming due to greenhouse gasses, and Mars is warming due to dust storms and albedo change, according to mars researcher Lori Fenton.  She says that the causes of Mars and Earth warming are not the same, and are not the sun:

    "Our Nature article had some press coverage, and some who heard the news would like to attribute our modeled warming (of 0.65° C or 1.2° F) over the 20 year period to changes in solar output, but our work doesn't involve any such changes. The warming we have modeled is caused by changes on the surface of Mars, rather than by any changes in the Sun. Furthermore, the climate forcing process we have identified is caused by the redistribution of bright dust over a darker surface, a process which does not occur on Earth (at least not to such a magnitude that it influences the global climate system). Earth does undergo albedo changes that impact the climate, but the controlling processes are quite different -- such as changes in cloud cover, sea ice, and vegetation. Thus the warming we have modeled is caused by a process that is unique to Mars, and nothing in our work can be used to make inferences about climate change on Earth. I hope this clears up any confusion to the layperson."

  7. Not me its a load of *%$#. The tree huggers can be dumb asses and try to persuade us to be eco friendly but i refuse to change my carbon crunching ways i like being me and having everything i have.

  8. You need to work on you reading and writing skills.

    Are you trying to make some kind of point?

    Maybe you could read what you write before you submit it?


    It depends what you mean by global warming.

  9. "Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change" stated:

    We, the scientists and researchers in climate and related fields, economists, policymakers, and business leaders, assembled at Times Square, New York City, participating in the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change,

    Resolving that scientific questions should be evaluated solely by the scientific method;

    Affirming that global climate has always changed and always will, independent of the actions of humans, and that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant but rather a necessity for all life;

    Recognising that the causes and extent of recently observed climatic change are the subject of intense debates in the climate science community and that oft-repeated assertions of a supposed 'consensus' among climate experts are false;

    Affirming that attempts by governments to legislate costly regulations on industry and individual citizens to encourage CO2 emission reduction will slow development while having no appreciable impact on the future trajectory of global climate change. Such policies will markedly diminish future prosperity and so reduce the ability of societies to adapt to inevitable climate change, thereby increasing, not decreasing, human suffering;

    Hereby declare:

    That current plans to restrict anthropogenic CO2 emissions are a dangerous misallocation of intellectual capital and resources that should be dedicated to solving humanity's real and serious problems.

    That there is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past, is now, or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change.

  10. It's a fact and you need to accept it NOW rather than moping about. Look at all the icebergs melting. We need to step in before its too late. The planet is getting hotter. The other year it was really hot in England and it was recorded the hottest day for 100 and something years :| Honestly, it IS happening.

  11. I totally believe in global warming.

  12. wow what a good argument to get out of all of the responsibilities

    you should forget about other planets and come down to Earth and see what is happening here

    at least that is relevant to us Human beans.

    There is a series that you can download easy ,called

    bbc,Planet earth by David Attenborough.

    About 15 ---700mb videos

    this is a photographic team that has been filming Nature stories all over the world ,for a very long time .

    In 3 of the episodes called --the future--saving species(this one covers extinction and the importance of species)

    the future--living together ,ice worlds ,

    they compare films they made before of places and species to what they are filming now in the same places.

    Many scientists give  commentaries as well .

    Whole migrations of animals involving millions have disappeared in only 20 years,

    in one place in the tundras ,in just 5 years .

    Ice sheets,glaziers have gone

    They say about half of the worlds forests have gone in the last 300 years

    Half of the natural  habitats,like wetlands , ice fields tundras,mountain vegetation and rain forests . in the last 50 years,and all of the inhabitants with it


    Global warming is a component in a group of destructive forces at work ,it is not the only one , but  other factors which we are responsible for ,are rapidly making it the worst .

    We are now  witnessing a mass   Extinction of animals and plants of Biblical proportions,equal since the disappearance of the dinosaurs. in the last 50 years over 3000 species have gone into extinction

    If we want to save ourselves as a specie ,we have to address

    the problems

    Apparently we can correct most of the destructive factors

    with disciplines ,changes of attitude and habits.

    All species are in Danger eventually,

    and each is important because all of Life on this planet is interrelated even if it is not obvious

    Imagine that the Eco system is a wall and each specie is represented by a brick

    Every brick taken out weakens the wall ,and eventually it will collapse ,which brick is the most important ???

    they are all important and we are one of the bricks

  13. We are in an interglacial period. Enjoy the warmth while it's here, at least until the asteroids hit (see Revelations).

  14. I believe. It's blatant.

  15. Mars has a totally 'alian' climate to Earth a warm summers day on Mars is -20c winter its down to -120c, atmospheric pressure is so low you would die in less than 30 sec on the surface, wind storms can cover half the planet and last for 6 months.

    This theory is pushed by the denier movement suggesting the sun is the problem, unfortunately the Sun has been declining (slightly) in output for a decade. The SOHO spacecraft has monitored the Sun 24/7 for more than 10 years in several different wavelengths and has recorded this.

    The other part linked to this silly theory is that Pluto is also warming, this suggestion is obviously from someone with no understanding of Physics at all. The Sun as seen from Pluto is little more than a bright star we know little about Pluto and it has a highly elliptical orbit which alone would explain it's atmosphere expanding.

  16. R E M E M B E R T H E S U N

    Everyday, the Sun is aging.

    It's growing, bigger. Which means the light or the radiant energy and heat, has more area to warm up.

    Which affects Earth and other planets.

    And totally different than Global Warming. Which, but, in the way, warms up Earth.

    One day, the Sun will grow so big that it'll ingulf Earth.

    But that's about several billion years.

    But the problem for now, is that when the sun gets bigger, it loses the total energy, slowly, but it keeps getting bigger.

    Which means, it gets bigger and it loses heat. But it gets bigger faster than it's losing heat.

    And it does not necessarily prove the people wrong of Global Warming, there is another cause for it, the Sun. And I guess many other reasons man kind has not driven itself to.

    And at the same time, Global Warming, we do not know it for sure and merely a theory/warning.

    {Oh yeah, I believe in Global Warming...

    but that's not the main reason. It's the sun that's a cause.}

  17. The earth will have constant climate change due to a number of variables.  To deny that would not be prudent however the Global Warming Hype brought about in the last few months has caused nothing but division. We need to be aware of climate change, and always be aware of our environment and not allow the Global Warming Hype to deter us from that.

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