
Who belives in god? Who is from what religion? Is god real? & I dont want ppl saying OMG god is like so real ?

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Look I just wanna know who is 4rm what religion?Who belives in what?What is a more resonable ex. (god or evoulution). I dont belive most of the c**p alot of ppl say n i dont want ppl 2 say stupid c**p on this okay... So just tell me how do u think the earth started, or whatever ok plz n thank u




  1. I believe in God. I am a Christian. I look at the Bible as the divinely inspired word of God. I try to imagine if I were God how could I explain everything to a primitive people that I have created. If you look at what science can tell us right now, the big bang theory, evolution for example and you look at what the Bible says you can almost see how they both tell the same story. How long is a day for God? We judge a day by a sun rise and sunset but how does God judge a day? It is written our life is but a blink of an eye to him. He is infinite and we are finite. I think science is mans way of figuring out how God created everything. I can not look at my truck, my house, the city I live in and not think there must be some superior being out there.  

  2. if you believe in logic, god does not exist. if you do not believe in logic or are ignorant, god does exist.

    i am atheist as i am sure you can tell.

    people use the argument science hasnt answered all the questions so its not right, but what they do not realize is that they are getting there. science proved so much that the church thought was from god that the church now accepts. people just dont realize it. just because we havent, doesnt mean we wont.

    make it a good day

  3. Well, I am a Christian (Protestant, not Catholic), and God is about faith. We don't know if the bible is true, but we believe and are faithful that it is.

    The bible says that the earth and the universe were created by God. Before everything else existed, there was God. He created the world and everything in it in seven days.

    One of the other reasons apart from faith that I believe in God creating everything, is that the idea of evolution doesn't make sense. It says that we evolved from apes to humans, purely by chance. And that we mutated into our current bodies, again completely by accident.

    But if you believe in God, then it means that you weren't just an accident, you were MEANT to happen. You have a purpose in life. God put you on the earth to achieve something.

    Finally, I know God is real because:

    a) 2.1 billion people can't all be wrong.

    b) I see the effects of God on people, and it's a good thing. If you go into a church and people are doing weird stuff, it can be a bit daunting. But it's all good.

    P.S. If you go Christian, please go Pentecostal. It's the best, cause some of the other types of Christianity are really boring. Have you heard of Hillsong? That's Pentecostal. It's just like a rock concert.

  4. i believe in god and i believe that he is real, but i dont believe in christianity (what i grew up with). i believe in evolution, but i believe that god started it all if u get what i mean.  people say that u cant believe in both religion and science, but i think theres room for both

  5. Hi , I belive what the bible says, and if people really read it, its hard not to belive, because so much has come to pass andis taking place now..and as far as enoulution, dont people think if that were true, someone would have had a monkey baby from way back in their back grounds IF  that were true?

  6. I am an atheist. I'm not quite sure where geology comes into play, though.  

  7. Neither point can be definitively proven, but evolution and the big bang theories are each much more viable than a religious "god" explanation.  

    I, personally, am open to religion, but it hasn't convinced me.  

    I put my faith in science and technology, and the fact that humans are industrious and downright decent creatures who all just want peace, stability, and happiness in their lives.  

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