
Who belives in ufos and aliens (ovnis)?

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ovnis is how u say alien in spanish




  1. i do

    i mean it is hard to believe we are the only lifeform out there

    they say there are more galaxies than grains of sand on the earth!

    and within galaxies there are usually hundreds of solar systems

    and in solar systems their is planets

    so i doubt we are the only ones!

  2. I do believe in ufos and aliens!

  3. people mistake aircraft for ufo's on a massive scale,

    so no

    yall are all retarted!

  4. I very much believe in them.  Space goes on for infinity.  There are many suns out there and many planets that we have yet to identify.  Mathematically speaking, there MUST be other lifeforms out there.  Now...whether or not they have visited Earth now or in the past is up for debate.  Personally, I feel aliens from other worlds have made contact.  I base that largely upon the Roswell Incident back in 1947.  Now why did the military first tell everyone that they recovered the remains of a flying disc if it was actually a weather balloon which they later said it was?  Surely, the military can tell the difference between the 2 right off the bat.

  5. Whatever language you say them, they are nonsense. There's no proof of them, and they're an offense to common sense.

  6. i believe they r real.....

    but i dont believe poeple saw theme...

    i think there r aliens in some planets that people didnt see.

    if you like aliens and creatures you can play the game spore creature creator....

    i realy love this game! the maker is EA games and its only the trail version! the real will arrive in more 41 days!!!!!


    you can buy the better creator for some dollars....

  7. Sorry.  I don't think aliens exist.  Well I guess I can't say that truly.  I only beleive in illegal aliens that need to return to their own country and get in right the next time!!!

  8. my spellign isnt all that great. I totoally believe in anliens. In such a big universe, do people really expect other organisms not to live in the universe?

  9. I don't know about there being more galaxies than grains of sand on Earth, because scientists are only theorizing that there are. It's the scientists jobs to make logical guesses, and some illogical guesses, at things like this. There are other lifeforms, I wouldn't call them aliens though, and ufos and i don't believe they have visited Earth themselves. I believe the crash landing in Roswell, was their first attempt to visit Earth and it was a failure. When the first attempt failed, i think they have kept to the outside of Earth's atmosphere and studied us from there. There is also the possibility that they have the intelligence to have created a miniscule device that flies around Earth studying it. I'm not completely sure about that part, but other than that I'm pretty positive that "aliens" exist.

  10. Yahweh God described in the Old Testament was a alien and he flew in space crafts.

  11. I firmly believe life exists all over the universe. I doubt any other life forms have visited the earth but I also can't rule it out completely. Considering the vastness of the universe it's ludicrous to believe that the earth is the only planet with life on it.

  12. i do

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