
Who benefited most from 9/11?

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i am offering no opinion, just looking for YOUR answers.




  1. Black Water, Haliburton,  Carlyle group,  


    should answer your question,  

  3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!

    The event had some good and BAD outcomes, lets say it helped improve national security,updates in aviation laws etc. But it also costed so may lives in and out US, waged two wars...etc.

    For the sake of humanity it did NOTHING!

  4. Both Al-Qaeda and the neocons benefited greatly from 9/11 and the backlash from 9/11. Both groups thrive off of fear and uncertainty, and both groups uses such terror as a method of control and promotion of their own ideology. The ironic thing is that the Bush administration really had nothing to do with 9/11 aside from not being in anyway proactive to the situation, yet he was able to use the disaster to pass his own agenda, even if it had nothing to do with 9/11.

  5. Anyone apart of the military industrial complex. As they do in all wars strangely enough.

  6. israel

  7. Terrorist leaders. Why? Because Bush responded and created more terrorists.

  8. Iran, China & Russia benefited the most... but the oil companies & defense contractors managed to get their share too.  Putin & Bush are indeed soul mates.  Without the attack on Iraq Putin would still be just another would be Czar of Russia, eyeing the Baltic countries, but afraid to move on any of his neighbors.

  9. This is going to sound bad but, us. It took that big of an impact to actually bring us together as a nation for a little while,  then it was back to hating. I remember that day, everyone was proud to be an American. Military recruiting offices were packed.

    Edit: Did someone seriously just say Al-Qaeda benefited from 9/11?  That was the worst mistake they ever made... They've been getting an ***-kicking ever since 9/11. Name one more attack on American soil since 9/11. case closed

  10. 3000 of our people died, no one benefited

  11. It was the most horrible day in the days of

    the United States. The twin towers were

    destroyed. The Pentagon was greatly damaged.

    The White House was a target and would have

    been destroyed. Over 3,000 INNOCENT people died that day. Firefighters lives were put

    in jeopardy as they tried to save those trapped

    in stairwells. People jumped from high-rise

    windows due to smoke and fire. Families of the

    dead were distraught with sadness. The only

    benefit I can see at all, would be the unification

    of Americans that day and for months afterward.

    It's just too bad it didn't last. It sure was

    refreshing while it lasted...something we hadn't

    seen most of our lives.

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