
Who beside liberals believe that Bush lied about WMD's?

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Before Bush went into Iraq to remove Saddam most people both Democrats and Republicans and people across the world believed the Saddam had WMD's.




  1. Most everyone, even the people I know who favored the conquest were just frightened that even though it made no sense Bush had an outside chance of being right.  I don't know anyone who actually believed the WMD were there in Iraq ready to be used.   As for the un resolutions, since when do we unilaterally enforce them?

  2. The Neo Cons  hand picked the evidence,  h**l even Powell believed the lies.  I believed the laws.     Information that did not sell the reason to invade Iraq was thrown out as faulty info.       Time as passed and now the truth is out there.   As time goes on more and more people will realize it.

    Saddam of course said that he has weapons,  He did not want to show Iran that he was the weaker of the two.    

  3. it would not have mattered if they were found.   the liberals would still hate bush for the election in 2000      mr  doodles

  4. If he did, he certainly had a lot of company that stated pretty much the same "lie." The majority of Congress, the world's intellegence agencies, Saddam himself, etc..........

  5. Most people who have any sense and who have looked at the facts surrounding Bush's unrelenting push for the invasion.  

  6. everybody knows he lied, hes a liar

  7. The Iraq 'invasion' was because Saddam blatantly ignored 13+ UN resolutions made after he lost Desert Storm.  The WMD documents only moved up the regime change by a few months.

  8. people

    people know, not believe, that Bush did and still is lying about WMD

    not libs or conserves

    but people

  9. Nobody.  

    Anybody who finds fault with Bush is automatically a liberal.  That's how you can tell who they are.  

  10. With the answers the bush lovers and defenders are giving here, we'll all end up like that movie, Idiocracy.

  11. Anyone with any intelligence.  Even W's father did not believe the WMDs actually existed.

  12. Most of the free world including the congress and the UN believed Saddam had WMDs.  

    Do you think this "lie" thing might have been political? Do you believe the libs saying that they fell for this lie at the same time they are telling us how stupid Bush is?

    Did Biden and Hillary lie about Obama not ready to be president?

  13. theres um....      ...the liberals

    and um... the libeals...

    ...did i say the liberals yet?

  14. Nuts & haters.

  15. I don't believe it- I KNOW it!

  16. Not even liberals believe it.  But it justifies their hate and fuels it at the same time.  Liberals are about hate, and this is todays battle cry......

  17. What's funny is that if you assume truth as liberals see it, Bush is smarter than Clinton.  If you assume:

      - Bush lied about WMDs

      - There were no WMDs

    then you have to conclude that Bush is smarter than Clinton.  Both Bush and Clinton believed there were WMDs using intel received BEFORE Bush came into office.  Clinton drew the conclusion there were WMDs, Bush (being a liar) must have known there were no WMDs but lied about it anyway.  Hence, Bush was much more intelligent to recognize that the intel was wrong and that there were no WMDs.


  18. The Enemy.

  19. I believe 75% of the country,and that includes some Republicans,Moderates,and Independents

  20. Hussein lied about WMD's to keep the Shiites and Kurds from kicking his a**.

  21. The same intelligence reports that were given to President Bush were the exact same reports that were given to congress. Why people want to blame him for giving out faulty information is beyond reason. President Bush did not lie.

    (edit) I want to add one more point. The intelligence information in the reports were gathered by intelligence agencies from different countries as well as our own.

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