
Who betrayed Rampage Jackson?

by Guest45055  |  earlier

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Quinton Rampage Jackson was talking about somebody betraying him. Who betrayed him and wut are the details? Was it Juanito because i heard something about him switching coaches?




  1. I personally would have not put up with what Jaunito put up with out of Jackson.  As a coach "respect" should be automatic from any one who you train.  If a "fighter" becomes too mouthy or too "unruley" with his trainers then I'd say they should kick that fighter to the curb immediately.  This sport isn't about just "one fighter" from a coaches stand point.  This sport should be about providing training, keeping your fighter safe, giving him the skills he needs in order to compete and win and most importantly keeping the fighter "well grounded and down to earth" ..... There's no room for "ego" or "pride" or any of that useless c**p.  If any of my students ( fighters ) ever gave me any of the attitude that Jackson gave Juanito they'd be out the door with a quickness ..... their "superstar" status or not and they could never forget who put the time into their developement no matter how vain or shallow such a fighter became.

    A real fighter should be about his training and constant work not his soap opera UFC life and "Hollywood" dreams.

    One more thing:  That little 25% that the Nevada Athletic Commission says a trainer has coming from Jackson he can  take and pound it up his a** with salt.  What you gonna do Quinton? .... Trade what you are on the inside for what the money and fame?  Get back to the gym, back to the work at hand and give up on the "Hollywood" BS besides that sh*t's only going to last a man for so long any way so to betray what you are for fortune and fame is a fool's move.  Why did you even start fighting in the MMA?  surely it wasn't all the celebrity BS ....... You let your head get way too big .... instead of just being a normal competitior with a job to do both in training and in the cage you let go of what you are for "Hollywood" BS and the "Hollywood" crowd that could care less about you unless you're buying the drinks that is.  s***w their parties and their promises chump!! all you have is you and the sport of MMA.

    Any decent self respecting coach would have put it that way to him too whether he liked or not ...... but noooo!!!! so he remains the shallow celf centered a**hole that he is.

  2. He betrayed himself.He's a has-been.He got his a$$ whooped & turned to a wimp baby.If his coach isn't helping him it's because he said he'd retire if Forrest won.

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