
Who brings the third world into the first world to destroy it????

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As they are doing here and in Europe.




  1. It's like when you throw a tennis ball to a dog and his master is always there to get the ball back, this time the master fakes like he throws the ball and then runs away from the dog while the dog is searching for the invisible tennis ball.

  2. You are an ar sehole.

    You are no doubt one of those people that think that:-

            "The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion"

    is an authentic Jewish document detailing their plan to take over the world.

    Do you also believe that we didn't go to the Moon and that 80% of NASA's budget in fact goes to Israel.

    Your n**i ar sehole friends are taking the p**s out of you.

    Furthermore, don't speak of Europe, Europe is civilised, Europe is mine. You can go to Spain for two weeks, twice a year otherwise, stay in the UK you cu nt. The World Cup was spoiled by England's presence two years ago, the European Championships by contrast this year were brilliant, England having failed to get through.

  3. For America it could be Obama if he is elected.

  4. Libs, as they try to provide more and more "entitlement" programs, and "PC" attitude, they weaken the desire to earn things, so, when the 3rd world immigrants arrive, they are inundated with things, and can't handle it... they then try to push their beliefs on us, their systems on us... well, if it was so dang good in their country, why did they leave? In fact, an argument can easily be made that an "entitled" attitude actually promotes failure, which results in the poverty, and chaos, found in 3rd world countries, thereby expanding that failure into countries they immigrate.

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