
Who brought Graduation hats into America?

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I am doing a TAG project on China. I'm pretty sure that Graduation hats came from China. Please help me because I am deeply confused!





  1. the classic mortor board hat is of masonatic orgain from europe not china. symbal is of education being the foundation of life.

  2. it was first used in andalucia, namely muslim spain. There was this university until 15th century where jews, muslims and yet rare in numbers Roman Catholics were studying. They were translating the greek classics into Arabic and Jewish and various dialects of Spanish. That was the first model of liberal studies, where those graduation hats were worn as an indication of academic proficiency. One other explanation as far as I could find is that it is some kind of outfit preferred by Roman Catholic Church. Since first universities were not secular in the term we use it to-day, bishops were professors. I don't think it has anything to do with chinese.

  3. most likely a white man..

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