
Who brought up Bristol Palin to "quash" rumors that Sarah is already a grandmother from Trig?

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If Sarah wanted to protect her daughter, why not simply produce medical records from her own pregnancy and birth instead of throwing her daughter's admitted pregnancy out there and blaming everyone else?




  1. Her daughter is obviously pregnant and will become more pregnant by the day.  It's not something she could hide and not something that should be hidden.

  2. Just read Sarah's statement.  She made the announcement to protect herself-- and to h**l with her daughter.

  3. I would assume that I was going to come to light anyways. As it went down all that has happend is the liberal media has shot itself in the foot with bad reporting and conspiracy theories.  

  4. To be truthful, medical records are private and I personally respect that.  I am not in favor of McCain/Palin, but I honor medical records.  

  5. Gotta love how she got pregnant when she was out of school with "mono".

  6. I don't know who brought up the first rumor.

    As to your comment after the question;

    If there was no way her daughter's pregnancy could have been kept private, I would agree with you.

    But unless she chose to abort, the story would have come out anyway.  If she tried to keep it secret for longer,she would have been bashed.

  7. Yeah she's so freakin noble.

    Why don't y'all just admit that your candidate didn't bother to vet his choice and picked a lemon based on his faulty instincts.

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