
Who built the pyramids? and why?

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Who built the pyramids? and why?




  1. The egyptians to bury the dead.


    The ancient aztecs/ mayans built pyramid like structures for sacrificial purposes

  2. They used to think slaves, but now they think it was mostly farmers and citizens of ancient egypt as a way to honor their Pharaoh, who they thought was god.  

  3. I did, then I made everyone confused when I decided to live in a normal house.

  4. Isrealite slaves built the Egyptian pyramids under the command of Egyptian slavemasters.  I don't know who designed them, though.  The pyramids were partly meant to house the corpses and treasures of Pharoahs.  The ancient Egyptian religion, as well as some history, was written on the catacomb walls inside the pyramids in hieroglyphics.  The pyramids in Mesoamerica were built as altars to different gods from the Egyptian gods, and sacrifices would be made atop them.  I would guess that the Aztecs and/or Mayans built the pyramids in Mesoamerica.

  5. the egyptians, to store mummies.


  6. The Egyptians built the pyramids as a burial tomb for their Pharaohs... The built them in that design because it was suppose to be harder to break into them by grave robbers........... And since they Pharaohs were buried with all of their wealth.... They did not want to share that wealth with some grave robber.................

  7. ALIENS!

  8. Egyptian builders. Because they were paid to.

  9. The Egyptians because after the Pharaohs,Queens and mostly royalty died, they request to be buried in there with their treasures because they believed in the after life and those treasures would travel with them.

    Also they were mummified there.

    Keep in mind there are pyramids in different part of the country. One in Mexico and one in Egypt, but Egypt was first to have them and they have more of them.

  10. The Egyptians. They were forced to ,they were slaves they had no other choice. They were whipped on there backs and yelled at.Many men were killed making those pyramids it took many years. They didn't have the technologies we have now a days they had to work with there hands and they would get sick very easily to.To store the Pharaohs when they died with all of there belongings,animals,and servants. The point on the pyramids was so that the spirit would go to the heavens, and being buried with their things so they could be wealthy in the afterlife.You would be cursed it u went in the pyramids, and if you tryed to steal something.

  11. it is told that the Egyptians built them to honor the Pharaoh and then some people say it was aliens who helped them.

    So no one knows who really built them.

    I think the reason why is to get shot to heaven. I think that why they are the pyramid shape so the point at the end could be where the get shot out at. their spirits of course.  

  12. they built the big one for kufu, and they were not slaves. it was like factory work to them..they had nothing else to do till farming season..

  13. pyramids were built by aboriginal or asiatic black people for a purpose for soul or our life force, but it was built for energy use also. their so many pyramids on our planet earth, not built from slaves even though all us have to serve humanity or help each other our needs and wants, but people that been rob of the mind  and strip them from their language,self and God ,thats the real slavery, but Giza is not the oldest pyramids it was put as a sign, theirs ancient advance civilization on this planet. Pyramids connection to planets in our solar systems  and the number 3 is involve in our physical,mentally,spritually, that if we master those levels ( become) one with God or reflection of god , Jesus said  that temple of God is 3rd eye or light which means our body is the house of God

  14. The Egyptians.

  15. The Egyptians...because the aliens were willing to help.

  16. mexicans

  17. Ancient Egyptians, as tombs. They thought it would be beneficial for the deceased to be buried in buildings that came close to the sun, and a pyramid was the only structure stable enough to build as high as they wanted.

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