
Who came first, the chicken or the egg ?

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i need your opinion




  1. egg

  2. the chicken

  3. the chicken- who would have incubated the egg?

  4. chicken...God made animals

  5. GOD came first and created everything on this earth .

  6. im ashiest but in the bible it says genesis 1:20-22 that the chicken came first

  7. egg (not hard as you think)  people say chicken your wrong. because how would that chicken be born without the egg.

  8. the chicken, i ****** him and 69 months later.........

  9. I think it's a never ending circle...

  10. Don't listen to them . They don't know what they are talking about. It was definitely the ROOSTER!!!!!

  11. The Rooster!

  12. Egg. It is basic sexual reproduction.   Most all animals come from a combination of sperm & egg.  I am pretty sure that the chicken was not the first animal...unless that first chicken was created through parthenogenesis... which is highly unlikely.

  13. Chicken because in order to have a egg you need chickens

  14. my opinion is chicken. god created chicken and other animals and the life cycle starts...

  15. The chicken, but not as we know it.

  16. God according to the bible made the animals so that would be the chicken. However if you go the scientific road then it would also be the chicken as they evolved. But then the chicken had to be born somehow. We're back to the original question.

  17. Does this question get asked four times a day, or is it up to five?  

  18. First, we know that eggs were around long before chickens. Fish, dinosaurs, and lots of other animals laid eggs long before there were any chickens. So the question people are asking when they ask this really is: Which came first, the chicken or the chicken egg?

    Now it's just a question of semantics. What exactly do we mean by a "chicken egg"? If a chicken egg is an egg from which a chicken hatches, then clearly the chicken egg came before the chicken. However, if we only consider an egg a chicken egg if it was laid by a chicken, then the chicken had to come first.

    It's all up to you. What is a chicken egg for you?

  19. The egg came hundreds of millions of years before the chicken, most lizards lay eggs, and dinosaurs are lizards

  20. Chicken

  21. the   Rooster   must  "***"..first   into  the  chicken.. or  else  no  egg!!!..

      so  ya!!..  the     GALLO!!

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