
Who came first, Catholics or Christians?

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Aren't Catholics the first Christians? What about Gnostic Christians when did they start?




  1.  The catholic originated from 606 A.D. with the first Pope. Catholics have revised scripture to declare various Bishops by the title of Pope before that time. Some believe it started with Constatine or earlier with Saint Ignatius.

    The Christians originated on 33 A.D. (While all Christian churches claim the same ultimate heritage, time of origin of each particular church varies depending upon the church.)

  2. Are you kiddin me. I see like 7 people here who think that Protestants came before Catholics. Maybe they should go back to class because it is historical fact that the first Protestant church came in 1511. Was Jesus incorrect with creating the Catholic Church? tell me

  3.  Christ shed His blood for 1 church and that is His church, that would be the Church of Christ 

  4. How many lucifarians on this post, I spot at least 4!
    They must think were stupid.

  5. Catholics are christians - the church was around before the bible and there are plenty of historical documents to prove it. Bt the time the last scripture has been written (around 100 AD)there had been 5 POPES! All able to trace their linage back to Jesus.

    Some mischief making protestants try to confuse the non persecution of Christians in the third century with the formation of the catholic church. This is completely erroneous. The first time the term catholic was used to describe the church was in the year 110.

    The Holy Spirit inspired the catholic bishops to select the correct scripture verses for the bible. Just do a little reading and the truth will be there waiting on you. Jesus created one true church.

  6. Christians clearly came before the Catholic distinction.

  7. Catholics are christians. The catholic church dates back to st peter. Guest5361 The catholic faith isn't " polytheistic" We have only one God. The saints and mary don't have any power we dont look at them as anything other than human. We ask them to pray for us. Because we believe they are in heaven and are able to hear us. We don't pray TO them because it would be pointless as they are as i said only human. One of the big differences between catholics and protestants is that most proestants believe people are dead until Christ return. Catholic believe that when people pass away they are either in heaven or h**l. Maybe if you learned more about what you profess to know you wouldn't look so ill informed.

  8. Christians predate Catholics as such.

  9. for sure jewish came first, then Catholics followed by Christians

  10. Catholics. Ever since the world was created by God, all human beings, well, the first human beings were Adam and Eve, but they were Catholic, but they ate the fruit that God told them NOT to eat, so......yeah. I probably didn't need to include that, cause you probably know it, but Catholics were FIRST.

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