
Who can't wait to get back to school?

by Guest66770  |  earlier

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me, i can't wait cuz i miss my mates.

hows about you ppl?




  1. I am so excited because i get to meet all new people at an all new school!!

  2. I can't wait either. I'm doing A2 Level Graphics, Textiles and Fine Art. I miss doing the work and having laughs in the lesson with my mates. Unfortunately I don't start until the 9th September and it's really boring. I love doing Art and being creative, I can't do it at home, it doesn't feel the same.

  3. i want to because i miss my friends too =] i'm starting high school so it's a new surrounding and the beginning of a new chapter in my life

  4. its a so-so thing. I want to see my boyfriend who went away for a few weeks, and some old friends. But i'm not looking forward to the drama. =/ I like to stay away from that, but this guy who likes me, and hates my boyfriend, and my ex best friend are stirring up some already. blah.

  5. no ! its soooooooooooooooo boring and there's no boys :(

  6. I could always wait to get back to school, I preferred My after-school mates to the tossers and climbers at school.

  7. not me.. i dont want to stress on projects and hws and start studying.NOOOOOOOOOOO

  8. Me!

  9. not really, got a busy year ahead of me, but i want to see my friends.

  10. I just can't wait! I love going to university.  

  11. not me i hate having to do projects and never having time for myself

  12. at 34 i'm too old but i can't w8 for my kids to go back lol

  13. I want to see all my Friends and if anyone has changed over the summer. But i don't really want to get up at 6.00 in the morning :( or do any of the work

  14. im back at school. its my last year. i HATE it. :(

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