
Who can I contact to see if my adopted daughter that lives in Saigon Vienam is still working at the Omni Hotel

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She worked in the casino at tje Omni Hotel in Saigon. Her name is Vu Cam Hong




  1. ..first off "monty" if anything the "mother would be " MRS VU",..anyway the obvious answer is call the omni hotel.. duh!

  2. Call  the Omni Hotel, ask for the HR department - they´ll know. Don´t ask the telephone operator - there are mor than 300 people working at the Omi, so they won´t know it!!!

  3. The first thing I would do is call the hotel.  They will know if she is still there.  If she is not, perhaps they can tell you where she went.

  4. Ask her mother. Mr Hong?

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