
Who can I report to when a delivery truck left engine on for over an hour?

by  |  earlier

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It's not my business but I don't like when people intentionally wasting gas. It's not my money but it's the world's gas supply running low because this fool decided to let the engine running while doing his furniture delivery. I noted the time he parked to the time he left - exactly 1 hour 14 minutes. I couldn't stop noticing because he parked next to my living room window.

So, my question is, who can I report this to?




  1. the company who owns the truck they wil thank you

  2. sorry i dont think you can report people for missusing gas they paid with their own money...

    sad isnt it=(

    but i bet ya hed be first to die when global warming comes

    not i a bad way

    just in a way like shuda turned ur dam truck off


  3. First off, the world's oil supply is not running low. In fact, the US who has more oil in our shale deposits than all of the Middle Eastern oil producing countries combined has yet to really even tap into the supply.

    That being said, it will do not good to report the guy. You're not paying or the fuel to run the truck. It's none of your business how much fuel the furniture store uses to deliver it's goods.

    Now, if you want to complain about the loud, noisy truck left running out your front window. Then you have a beef.

  4. the company if it is a furniture company.

    or the environnment police

    but if the truck delivers food, it has to leave the engine on because to preserve the cool in the goods, the engine must be on. but no excuse for furniture. he must have left it because he stayed inside with the AC on for him self

  5. his furniture delivery company.

    O.k. simple as. Go extreme, after advising his company that it is bad for the environment and poor security.

    So now the next time they leave it running, aim at building (pref empty) knock into gear, leave and watch disaster.. Hardly environmentally friendly, but watch the policy of all engines must be off in future be brought in......

  6. the only people you can report him to is his company who after all have to pay for fuel he is wasting .

  7. In some states its illegal to leave trucks idling for longer than a certain amount of time,  usually 15 minutes.  If you are in one of those states you can call the cops.  They might direct you to call another agency.  If you are in a state where its legal to let a truck idle,  call the company that owns the truck.  Tell them that you don't appreciate listening to an idling truck outside your house or breathing the exhaust fumes.  There is a good chance that the driver will be reprimanded.

  8. The truck was probably a deisel.  Deisel engines last longer and run better if you leave them running once you start them.  Ask any truck driver.  Besides, I don't know what country you live in, but in the U.S.A. it is not against the law to leave your vehicle running while you are not in it.  If the environmental whakos keep having their way, it probably will be some day.

    By the way, you are right in your quesition when you said "it's not my business".  It really isn't. Do your own thing.  Want to save gas?  Just drive less yourself and leave other people alone.

  9. The company?

  10. I know that your question is really out of concern for the environment, but as you yourself admitted, it really is none of your business.

    nobody reports you if you let the TV run on the background even though you are not watching it and using the computer instead. or you accidentally left the lights on while you sleep. or when you wasted your food and didnt finish every morsel.

    the point is, every human err. just some more than the others.

    instead of asking how you can report others and punish/stop them, start by asking how you can do your part to reverse the negative damage. its much easier. its not being noble, its about being less calculative.

    imagine if everyone whine about their neighbour wasting oil, yet do not want to 'lose out' by conserving or using less. the resultant competition to waste more oil and not be 'disadvantaged' would be such disaster,  a myopic population.

    do you want that?

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