
Who can I talk to about a career in Culinary Arts?

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I'm a Sophmore in High School and I'm getting VERY stressed about how confusing everything seems to be getting when I try to look into things online. I really need to talk to someone about college and things after college for going into the Culinary Arts to become a chef. I cannot talk to my Counselor. She's really not a good counselor at all, and she doesn't know enough to answer my questions anyways. Who else can I contact? Thanks.




  1. Before you go and talk to anyone BE SURE that you want to do this sort of thing.

    Regardless most Culinary schools worth their salt (no pun intended) will insist that you have a certain amount of experiance in the Culinary field- whic isn't such a bad thing really.

    You may have what it takes- I once was working in a restaurant kitchen and one of my responsibilities at the time was to buy the fish/seafood and make sure that it remained cared for until needed for service. This one young fellow who was a 'cook' would ask me to help educate him as to the line of seafood that we were getting. I'll always

    remember how hungry for Culinary knowledge this kid was.

    Needless to say he now owns restaurants around the country and has been on TV shows for Chef competitions...He had the burning in his belly to succeed.  

  2. Take a look a and use it as a starting point.  Next, go to the library and get Michael Ruhlman's books, The Making of a Chef, The Soul of a Chef and The Reach of a Chef.  Try reading Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential.  Go over to and go through the forums.  There are boards for restaurant professionals that you can post on if you join.

    Have fun and good luck.

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