
Who can I vote for if I believe in....?

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Who can I vote for in this up coming election if I believe in equality for homosexuals, religious and personal freedoms, but don't want communist like tax rates or communist like censorship?

Please, no nutters. Any party is fine.




  1. DEMOCRATS! For right now, until the Green Party rises to prominence, you want Democrats. If you want to live in a decent world for yourself, your children, and your grand children the ALL REPUBLICANS MUST BE BARED FROM ANY AUTHORITY WHAT SO EVER.

  2. If each of these is equally important to you, then no one. McCain is the guy for you if you don't want socialist policies and tax increases. Obama is your guy if you want equality for homosexuals and more personal freedoms. Unfortunately, you will never be 100% in agreement with the policies of any candidate. The best thing to do is list the most important issues to you personally, and then vote in line with the person who most closely parallels those views. Sometimes you have to accept a candidate who you most definitely disagree with on a certain issue. For instance, I am pro-choice, and McCain is definitely pro-life, but since there are more important issue where I agree with him, I will vote for him regardless of this difference.

  3. Here's a clue:  Somehow, two very rich oilmen ended up in the White House and the price of oil is on an uphill rush that is causing serious problems for middle-class Americans.  For the past seven and one-half  years we've been governed by aristocrats, fake bible-thumpers, and selfish, egotistical shysters.  Do you think we need a change?

  4. i agree with are never going to find a candidate that has all of your interests at be honest however sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling and try not to listen to the Liberals or Conservatives on this website because they only vote for each other (meaning conservatives would vote for a conservative even though he is a bigot and a liberal would do the same thing) vote for who you feel has your best interests at heart

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