
Who can a person talk to about adoption reunion?

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I have recently found my bio mom and I am having a really hard time with all the emotions that has stirred up. None of my friends or family totally understands. I'm sure there are forums or groups for this sort of thing..what are some good ones?





  2. i found my b/mother 7 years ago, and it went wonderfully. just 2 weeks my b/father contacted me, and i am in the same boat you are. i didnt have the emotional struggles before, but now that i have found him i am a nervous wreck.

    i dont have any forums to give you, but you are welcome to contact me, maybe we can calm our nerves together. in the mean time i am going to try the site joy recommended, the other seem to agree with her. maybe its something we should both check out. im here though if you want. good luck, you arent alone.

  3. Yes listen to Joy!!!!

  4. i am an adoptee of what woud yo like to talk about? just let me know.

  5. The two groups mentioned here are great. It really helps to talk with someone who has been down the same path.

  6. Yes, Joy is right.

    Also, there are nightly chats on  They are facilitated by Joe Soll, himself an adoptee and therapist for over 20 years, specializing in adoption issues.

    You are not alone!!!  We're out there!

  7. YES - seriously - listen to Joy!!

    The forum she links to has also a 'chat' section.

    Try also to find some local support groups - talking to other adoptees and first mums is really really helpful.

    Reading is really good. Check out books at your local library and bookstore. Trying to understand what you're going through is helpful - and just knowing that this stuff is VERY emotional - and that's OK.

    Here is a link to many adoptee blogs from around the world - I find that hearing of the many and varied voices of adoptees to be very helpful -

    And first mum blogs -

    Take things nice and slow.

    You are not alone.

    Take care of you.

    And remember to breathe!!! (I often forget that one!!  LOL)

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