
Who can agree that Edge was on top of his game in the cell match at Summerslam.?

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Both of them Carried the match. Edge speared the guy through one half of the cells and speared him throught the announce table. Freaking unbelivable. But then Taker did a spear a carchairto and chokeslam Edge throught two tables then end it with a Tombstone. Undertaker vs Edge well be remember for a long time. Because both and i mean both of Dem Carried that Match. Like Edge or hate him even though he lost he was on top of his game and best of all no interferences. Runner up for WWe match of the year. Match of the year is somehow still Ric Flair vs HBK Wrestlemania 24. Awesome match.




  1. Without a doubt

  2. I know, Edge really stepped up his game. I mean he actually stood toe-to-toe with the Undertaker. He didn't back down like he normally would. I think this was one of the best matches this year

  3. Edge OWNS

  4. Yes. Edge is a fantastic superstar. We all know that, yes Undertaker can make him look like a joke but I guarentee you that if it were Y2J or Kennedy or Hardy or Kane, JBL, CM Punk in that ring. Edge would have won. The Undertaker is just a legend. He is the phenom and always has and will be the greatest superstar in the history of that business. Edge is a very very very close second. I would even wager that if it were Batista or Orton, h**l Triple H in that ring when Edge was performing at SS he still would have been the winner. He used the Tables, Ladders, Chairs, Stairs, Camera and entire ring to his advantage. Old Edge was back in the ring. And Foley was right, Edge was not ripped apart as you can see. If old Edge was in there the match would NOT have lasted 45 minutes

  5. It's because he's an amazing wrestler, as I've been saying for a very long time. I think Edge dominated the match and really did outshine the Undertaker. It was definitely the best match of the night, and will be remembered for a long time to come. If this doesn't prove that Edge is good at what he does, I don't know what does. He has real talent...  

  6. Yea, he was also on top of that ladder when he got set on fire.

  7. edge and taker are simply da best

  8. Flyboy I need help! I need more wrestling matches to watch online because I am bored right now! I have watch every match I wanted to see, but now I have nothing to watch! And I give Undertaker vs edge h**l in a cell 5 stars! Great match! Now help me! Please man!

  9. at WM24 Edge tried his hardest but his hardest is nothing compared to that of the undertaker.

    but at Summerslam he changed game plans and shifted up a gear, and this time it was a much better match and one more match and it should be battled out to a draw

  10. he didint outshine taker. taker put him over. edge did and outstanding job going against taker. theyre both good friends in real life. and edge admiited that if he could choose any wrestler to be his partner it would be undertaker. both have trmendous respect for eachother.

  11. it reminds me of the good ol days that was a h**l of a match both men beat the h**l out of each other taker did moves i never new he could do and edge showed the same charisma as he did when he first debuted and i havent seen that in a while it was a very great match  

  12. me he was insane

    proud edgehead here

  13. He definitely took it to the Dead Man I must admit, at times I really thought he could have pulled of what would have been a pretty upset, but of course 'Taker regained & never looked back and won.

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