
Who can argue against torture?

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fill in those blanks if you are against torture to support your argument.

While the pro-torture debaters are good at drumming up all sorts of scary scenarios, their arguments for torture collapse under the weight of several fallacies, myths, and misconceptions, which include _____________________, ________________________, ________________________________, ________________________, and _____________________________.




  1. I say we question these animals in the field and when we are done shoot them in the head, bury them with their fee to mecca and with a pig snout.

    Then we do not have to worry about torture. And the libs will be happy and prance and dance around. Lighting candles and singing Kum Bah Yah.

  2. My only problem with torture is it is symptomatic of a larger problem within the organization doing the torturing.  Unless theyre a torture organization.  See it makes the ones doing the torturing look like they have no overall plan of what theyre doing.  No plan to catch the people theyre after, probably no real idea of who they are after, and no real plan for how theyre to be tried and treated to find out guilt or innocence (if you care about that sort of thing).

  3. Listening to Jack Benny's Violin over and over again, Listening to Rosanne Barr's rendition of the National Anthem, Forced to stay up for hours without Sleep, Bringing a person to near death, Waiting for the other shoe to drop, Pinging parts of he lower anatomy with Rubber bands, water boarding, pulling the fingernails from the fingers, Listning to propoganda about yourself and country repeatedly, then forced to sign false sttements under threat of loss of life. It gets results in interrogations.

  4. Funny, I work in Alaska and live in Missouri.  3 weeks on 3 weeks off.  Everytime I fly I wear my "I'd rather be waterboarding" tshirt.  :-)

  5. It has been proven beyond any doubt that torture does NOT produce results that work, for various reasons, including the fact that the subject of the torture may not have the information that you are looking for, they may make something up just to try and end the torture,  they may feel so intense about their cause as to be prepared to die for the cause rather than give up INFORMATION.

    Not to mention that AMERICA trashed its claim to the moral high ground by torturing captives.

    bad scene all around.

    Bust Bush!

  6. Our constitution.  Our humanity.

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