
Who can be a sponsor?? How can you ask them to be a sponsor??

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I was offered a trip to ny for this meeting and i need to raise 8,000 in a little amount of time and i am thinking about getting a sponsor but i dont know who could be a sponsor and how to wiggle in the 8,000 into the conversation...any ideas??




  1. $8000 is a LOT of money.

    Why should someone sponsor you?

    What is the purpose of your trip?

    What is "this meeting"?

    If you want people to donate money to sponsor you, you are going to be have to be clear about why you are going, what you will be doing, what your expenses are going to be, and how your attendance at "this meeting" will benefit you, society, or the planet.

  2. Are you absolutely sure that this is a legitimate offer and meeting?   The price is very high.  You could fly from almost anywhere and spend a week in a good hotel and eat well for a lot less than this.   Please double check the organization sponsoring this with the better business bureau and with the police dept in your area and in NY.   Then if the organization is real contact them and be sure their name is used with their consent.  In most cases something with a high fee is open to anyone who pays the fee and is not a special honor and something that is a special honor and award does not have such a fee so this rings some heavy warning bells.  

    If it is something real perhaps you could contact local businesses in your area whose business some way relates to the meeting and ask them to sponsor or see if a local TV opr radio station would delegate you as a special reporter for them and pay part of the expense.

  3. Its a con to get you at pay 8000 to go to new york.

  4. Businesses large and small are overwhelmed by requests from young people wanting sponsors for a trip -- hence why most such requests are ignored. And $8000 is a RIDICULOUS amount of money for a trip.

    If you want to raise money for a trip, you need to work for the money yourself, and raise money through family and close friends. Don't ask anyone for an amount greater than you yourself are willing to give/work for.

  5. Well.... try a hospital. Like a famous one... St. Judes. After the trip, you a a large group of people can spend the whole day with kids from St. Judes,

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