
Who can be responsible for terrorist proliferation in the world :UN or USA?

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Who is most responsible for growth of terrorist violence in the world .. UN or USA ?




  1. The U.N. responsible???? WTF are you on?

    The USA is the number one financier and practitioner of terror in the world today.

  2. Why not blame me for child labor in China or elsewhere for making my ipod and shoes? Or other terrible things indirectly caused by my consumption? Everything can come back to us Americans. We consume most craps in the world. Pretty easy to link everything to us.

  3. We ALL are. -When we wildly wave Our brightly colored Patriotic Flags, trade Guns for Oil, and Buy the Cheapest Goods we can find- from places where the Workers are paid $2. a hour (IF they're LUCKY). -When we do THESE thing, we become "Responsible"- and put a sign on Our Backs, that says, "Shoot Me".  :(

  4. How about putting the responsibility on the ones who are the terrorists?

    I believe you will find that the terrorists are responsible for the proliferation of terrorism in the world.

    The U.N. & the U.S.A. and the democratic governments of the world are doing their best to eradicate the terrorism we are suffering.

  5. Radical Islam and crazy Jihadis aided and abetted by the UN and most Arab countries. China and Russia are probably contributing to the cause as well. Whatever hurts US and Europe makes them stronger.

  6. The US is a rogue nation.  Its whole history of covert and overt activities has proved this.

    An example is the UN resolutions against Israel -- 29 resolutions against Israel --  29 vetoes by the US.

    Cambodia (Kampochia, at the time)  all UN resolutions against Pol Pot (murdered about one third of the population -- America vetoed any UN involvement)  Vietnam invaded to save Cambodia.

    Nicaragua - Reagan --  the US created and armed the Contras (fighting against the cruel, US backed, regime of Samosa) and called then Freedom Fighters when, in fact they were US created insurgents bent on protecting the Samosa regime.  Cruel, but usual, American interference.

    And, we can go on and on.

  7. USA:  we funded most of these bazturds to begin with.

    Osama bin Laden:  1980, Mujahideen, against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan

    Fidel Castro:  1959, against Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista

    Saddam Hussein:  1980s, against Iran

    Israel:  1948-current day, forcible occupation and subjugation of the people in the western Jordan River valley

    The UN can't even wipe its own butt without five people's permission.

    You want more?  Do you own research?

  8. both are great contributors to this cause.

  9. The UN ....For Not doing their job and cleaning up World Wide Dictatorships....

  10. Sadly to say, the USA holds responsibility for much of the increase in terrorism; through covert operations and blind diplomacies they have funded and organized the core groups which most major terrorist organizations made themselves significant.  Even the U.N. has often responded to the coercion of U.S. government demands.  

    However, the roles of groups such as Einsenhower warned about "the Industrial Complex" which may or may not have any national affiliation but serve their own interests could very well have influenced the USA's participation in all of these events which lead to increased terrorism.  These are all things out of our control.  We can only hope we can reduce the number of body counts when the terror is loosed.

  11. The USA is the biggest reason behind terrorism and their actions and attitude help it to grow faster!!!!

  12. People need to take responsibility for their actions - terrorists are responsible for the growth of terrorist violence in the world.  Things go boom and governments run around like headless chickens while the press gives them -- well -- free press.  After a few years of fighting terrorists, people start moaning and groaning about the cost and populist idiots get voted into office who cut and run.  Of course there are more terrorists - they are getting what they want through terrorism!

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