
Who can carry the blame?

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for unequal savings among consumers? Is it the drug manufacturers? Is it the taxation? Is it the uncaring senators? Is it the selfish market? Or something other?




  1. ' we '

  2. I'm going to go ahead and blame the individual here.  Anyone can save, it is as simple as deciding not to buy the latest and greatest gadget.  Many people want things now and never think about their futures, in doing so they never save a penny.  External forces can't be blamed for a person being irresponsible.  The simplest way to save?  Pay yourself first and learn to live off what you have after you put a certain amount into savings.  It is simple and it works, yet people refuse to do it because saving a little means waiting another few months to get a lease on that new car or whatever it is you NEED!

  3. Individuals.  People spend too much money.  And they use too much and depend unhealthily upon credit.  Unfortunately, credit card debt doesn't go out, it adds and will keep going until it is paid.  That's partially why we have problems currently- people spending too much and people taking advantage of those consumers.

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