
Who can come up with the most random piece of trivia?

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Who can come up with the most random piece of trivia?




  1. How many steps does the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington DC take each time he patrols, and for extra credit, how long does he pause at the end of the patrol?

    Email for the answer.

  2. a kiwi lays the biggest egg compared to its bodysize in the world, it can weigh up to 25% of its bodyweight.

  3. Where did the name "Victoria's Secret", in reference, ofcourse, to the lingerie store, come from?

  4. You can feed 24 people with one ostrich egg

  5. Queen Victoria did NOT always say 'I am not amused.'

  6. Pina Colada Slurpees (from 7-Eleven) are the only flavor that is not kosher

  7. Michael Jordan shaves his head on Tuesdays and Fridays.

  8. Armadillos always give birth to exactly 4 babies, all of the same s*x.

  9. How many movies are in existence that have a bomb of some kind de-armed with less than 10 seconds to go?

    No really how many? LOL

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