
Who can counsel and treat me? I am scared and suicidal.

by  |  earlier

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I am a 40 year old woman and have been diagnosed with non-pulmonary Tb (urine) by my urologist. The AKT-4 drugs do not suit me at all. My original symptoms of frequent urination and abdominal pain have been AGGRAVATED!

I feel very depressed and suicidal. My old father is bearing the brunt of my mood swings. Going to NIMHANS did not help as the doctor just prescribed sedatives.

Is there a place where I can STAY, get COUNSELLED and TREATED (in Bangalore)as I do not want to burden my poor father.

PLEASE HELP, time is running out for me!

Please call on 080-25325483 if you can help me out.




  1. i am extremely sorry for you i no what your going through my dad, brother,and my grandfather where and have bin suicidal and in one case successful and because this is genetic i two have suffered from depression, and suicidal thoughts its a shame there's no real medication for it the only thing i can suggest is to try to not focus on the bad but the good and to try in fight your way out even when there's no light at the end of the tunnel the most you can do is look for it its a fight in yourself that only you can win so sorry i cant do more but just remember life is a test its up to us as people to decide wether we pass

  2. go to a therapist or councellor  

  3. Try here, NOW.

    You have very little over there as far as hotlines go.

  4. hmm do u have any insurance polcy for ur health if u have then use it....or  DOTs,,,,go to gov hospital ...or go to privet need to be  depressive  u can be cured u can thik this... no 1 is burden on her dont loose hope ...

  5. I am not sure what NIMHANS is but it sounds like the doctor is not being helpful at all. Is there another doctor you can see or a therapist? Do you have somethign called a crisis line where people can call if they need to talk to someone because they feel suicidal? I want to help but theonly thing I can think of is to try to go to another doctor, a counselor or therapist, a friend or family friend...someone you trust...a priest...anyone who you would feel comfortable talking to and could help you through this. I wish you good luck and I will be thinking of you.

  6. simply pray....I'll say a prayer for you..

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