
Who can create a safe monthly income if I got $20,000 USD to invest ?

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I mean how can you create a montly income.




  1. Go to your local library and pick up a copy of Brian Perry's "25% Cash Machine."

    His idea would work something like this:  Pick four dividend paying giants, invest $5,000 in each and sit back.  He recommends solid companies, investing in Master Limitied Partnerships (MLPs), and some mutual funds.  The guy is creative, and looks for capital appreciation as well as dividends. He also stresses that you diversify.

    I wish you luck!

    Uppity Wench

  2. Invest in stocks that pay a dividend, which is money that companies give out as an incentive to keep to the stock.

  3. You can generate about 3.5% to 4% a year without risk, so that will make you about $700-$800 a year, or $67 a month

    The greatest risk you can take is not taking any risk!

  4. My grandmother can. She is a very conservative investor. She puts all her money in the high yielding no-risk bank account at 12% apr paid monthly (1% every month) though I offered her many times to invest with me in business at 40% per year.Silly old lady :-(....

    I wish you success!

  5. How much income would you like to generate off of your $20,000? Do you need the income imediately? If so, you are not going to receive a sizable stream of income from your investment, especially the way the market is now. Give me a better idea of your situation so I give you a strong recommendation.

  6. First of all I agree with most responses here posted and personally believe that if you are new to the idea of investing and looking to enter you must start extremely conservative! There are various avenues you may persue thats doinging very well for most who decided to step into fix-income or defensive portfolios (alternative Ideas). Your money can be liquid along with a comfortable gain. ALong with being FDIC insured!!! I could point you in the right direction should you feel so compelled to learn more!!!

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