
Who can design the best workout plan for an 18 year old male?

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Who can design the best weekly workout plan for an 18 year old male who is 165 pounds? I'm already 165 and don't want to put much more weight on. The exercises i would like to include in my workout are regular bench, incline bench, squats, power cleans, lateral pull-down machine, seated row machine, over head press,and any other exercises involving free weights. I would also like to include an ab workout. Also I would like the workouts to be set up with a day of rest/cardio in between each lifting session. Thanks in advance for all who help.




  1. your best bet is to spend some time in learning how to do exercises properly. There are so many different exercises you can do with not even alot of equipment. Learning what your goals are and finding out how to achieve them. Go to the link in my source box. You can learn pretty much every exercise and how to do it properly, workout programs in there, a guide to help you determine what rep ranges are good for you....just a great informative website to help you out.

  2. You sound like you already have an idea of a workout plan, but if you mean actually organizing it, it can depend on things like your working schedule.  Also, keep in mind that weight loss isn't just about working out, but also about limiting certain foods that you put in as far as fat and calories go.  It can also depend on the quantity of food that you consume vs. the quantity of time you spend working out and the timing of each meal (for example, the largest meal of your day should be breakfast; it prepares your body for the activities you do during the course of the day).  If you would like my personal opinion as far as organizing everything you said, then here is my suggestion:

    *Stretch before you start your workout

    *Begin with a cardio workout like running; this will allow your body to build up stamina for the hard workout ahead. Then rest for about 10min.

    *Do the other exercises in a switch-off pattern (for example, work on your arms, then legs, then abs, and repeat).  Keep rest periods in between each section of your workout.

    *Never exercise right before or right after you eat; this can lead to a very painful cramp or stomach ache...there is a reason why they call the hour before and after eating the "rest and digest" stage.

    I hope these suggestions help in some way. Good luck.

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