
Who can forget this?

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Has anyone forgot their first love?

I think I've only loved someone once in my life. I was young but I really like him for a long time. I liked him when I was 12 till I was like 17. Now Im 19, and I am yet to find another love. Forget about love, not even a legit crush. I've looked at someone and thought they were hot and I might've crushed on them for like a week, but I've never actually OBSESSED over someone since my first.




  1. it is difficult to forget someone who you have been missing.  

  2. well, i had never forgotten my first love.  we started dating when i was 15.  we dated until graduation.  then after graduation, he went off to the army and i went off to college.  we hooked up again later, and we got married when we were 25.  but after 4 years, we got a divorce.  

    and the most important thing i learned was that people change.  he wasn't the same person as i had remembered him to be.  i kept remembering the way he was BEFORE he went off to the army.  when he came back, he was really mean to me.  

    you liked a guy when you were 12, now you're 19.  maybe that guy changed.  and i don't think you should worry about finding another love.  it's true what they say:  men are like busses.  another will be along in 20 minutes.  LOL

  3. remember how your first relationship happened when you were 12? im sure you werent looking for somthing serous. the thing is, there are so many people out there and only a few of them are worth falling in love with. i dont think you ever forget your first love, your first crush, your first boyfriend, or your first kiss, mine all happen to be with the same person, but thats besides the point. best of luck!  

  4. Its tough to forget your first real Love
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