
Who can give me some advice here?

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hey. one of my idiot friends just go his GF pregnant and hes only 14. hes turning to me for advice. plz help!!! How can he support and take care of it. And dont say talk to his parents cuz they kicked him out. he needs help what can i tell him! REAL ANSWERS ONLY!!!!!!!




  1. First of all, slap him for me, Never have s*x unless you're not ready for the consiqunces.

    Ask him to talk to his girlfriend, and tell her that he hasn't even got a job, he's helpless, and he doesn't want the baby to suffer.. So she should get an abortion.. -.- It's hurtful, i'm againest it but i've seen people go through this frase it's not good, and having the baby and putting up or adoption or somethign else will ruin his or her life even more.. so do it before anything happens -.- it's painful.. but it's life.. You get what you asked for.. Good luck.

  2. planet parent hood, they are confidencial and can give him and his GF advice

  3. Maybe he can ask you or a realy good friend if he can stay for a while and then after he has a place to stay he can get a part time job and help with the baby!! Jux tell him not to turn his back on her because the little girl or boy will never forgive him and tell them dont even think about getting a abortion cuz that would be very bad and if they did think about that then the girl can have the baby and deside if she want to keep it or put it for up for addooption jux do not let them make a misteak and get a ABORTATION HOPE I HELPED!!!

  4. what.. 14!!!! .. honestly he will eventually have to tell his parents.. its not a problem that you can really hide..  

    WHAT ELSE CAN HE REALLY DO.. BESIDES TALKING TO HIS PARENTS? wait for this to dissapear.. he was an idiot and he made a mistake.. so he has to deal with it...

  5. He has to talk to someone. He's too young to do this himself. Suggest to him that he talk to his girlfriend's parents, or another family member of his, a guidance counselor at school, or look to a pregnancy center that helps teens become responsible for caring for the child.

    Good luck. I'll be thinking of you and your friends.

  6. Make sure he doesn't leave the girl and let him stay with you, and give him a few months. Nothing much he can do now.

  7. tell him to be there for his girlfriend and support her emotionally since he cant financially. if he cant get a job or help financially then maybe look into adoption

  8. His parents still need to be talked to, regardless of where he's staying. The guy needs to apologize. The girl's gonna have the baby. Put the child up for adoption.

    There's not much you can do when all's said and done.

  9. Geez thats no-good.. the only thing i can think of is. maybe telling him to get a paper-route or work for a company doing under the table type of things or get a trade maybe doing landscaping for the neighbors, babysitting or painting. but what ever you do. make sure he does stay in school! an uneducated father will defintly guarantee him to be a failure in his life to wanting to succeed in life.  

  10. i believe as a friend u should be there for him and hope in the end he appriciates everything you've done for him,

    ok 1) he needs to talk it out wit his gf and her parents

    2) between both of them they should decide if its the rite time to have a child and if thier sure they'll be able to handle a child ESPECIALLY A BABY WHICH NEEDS MORE THINGS AND ATTENTION.

    3)if he got kicked out , see if he can stay over a relatives house, ur house or his gf's house. if not tell him to call the cops

    cuz thats negletion his 14 his parents CANT kick him out.



  11. Too young to take care of a baby (unless they're really rich).  They might want to give the baby up for adoption.

  12. Well he needs a job so he can get her clothes and food. Whatever she needs. Because women need their food and clothes. And maybe tell her parents. Sorry thats the best I've got.

  13. Talk to the girlfriend.

    Get a job.

    Mowing lawns is good moneyy.

    Uhm, move in with his girlfriend.

    I'm proud of him. Especially if he is not just going to leave her.

  14. How about talk to your parents, and see if they can counsel him.  Tell him to support his GF and stay in the babies life.  He should stay in school, but get a job so he can support his baby.

  15. well honestly jus let him know that he needs to step up and be a real man and take care of what he created, and he needs a job, an honest one, and the parents jus acted on the situation they wont leave him alone just let the parents take it in.  And be supportive, we both know that he screwed up but just be there for him im really he needs you, if he came to you for advice there is a reason

  16. Don't let him leave the girl! If he wants to keep the baby then he has to know what his responsabilities are. If he dont want to keep the baby he'll have to talk to his girl and look at abortions or stuffs like that. xx

  17. his parents kicked him out at 14?

    what about the girls parents, do they know?

    they need help if they want to kep it.

    but to be that age, they should go through woth having the baby and then give it to a family who arent that fortunate.

  18. Okay this is when we step into the adult part of life. Your friend needs to accept the consequences of having se* and getting his GF Pregnant. Now it is the Women's CHoice if she wants to have the baby or not or get an Abortion. If she keeps the baby then HE will have to WORK and pay child's support in tell the baby is 18 years old. This is not fair but life is not fair. Kids, This is why we always ALWAYS ALWAYS BE RESPONSIBLE AND USE PROTECTION. Your lucky he doesn't have H.I.V. or something like that. If he hasn't already have him get checked by the DR.

    Okay here is my advise::  your friend need someone to talk to and needs some support immediately I would have him call the Crisis Clinc they can help me 866.427.4747

    Hope this helps!

  19. he & his gf should consider abortion or giving away the baby (legally, of course). its probably very hard for a 14 year old to take care of a baby. one of them either has to drop out, hire a babysitter, or do something else. it becomes a real mess. and a really big responsibility. what about the gf's parents? are THEY okay with it? will they consider raising the baby as their own child? or at least helping with it?

  20. tell him to take care of the baby like a real man and dont turn on his girl

  21. I really do not know what to tell you in this situation. If I was his parents I would have beat his but. That is way to young but I guess the smart thing to do would be for him to step up to the plate and take care of his responsibilities.

  22. Tell him to stick with his kid. The same thing happened to me, and even though my daughter mother wants nothing to do with her, I'm still there for her because I, unlike my fifteen year olds, stood up and took responsibility for my actions, just like he should.

  23. Oh boy, this is one heck of a mess. But it has happened to people before, and I'm sure it's not the last time it will. Have him and his gf considered an abortion, or do they want to have a child? Tell him to think about it from all sides.  

  24. explain to ur parents somewhat and ask if he can stay with you for a while, tell him to get a job to earn some money and dont let him drop out of high school he should get a good education

  25. Be a good friend. I'm not telling you to give him all your money, or whatever. Give him verbal support.

    Anyway, if your friends a good guy, the GFs parents should let him visit the baby until they trust him, and then they will let him come over whenever he wants. He should stay with his GF and the baby, he needs to learn responsibility, and he will know the consequences, so he won't get another girl preggo.

  26. First abortion...

    Tell him to get ready to have a baby and go find some jobs..

    Tell the girl's parents if possible...maybe they can help...even if the girl's parents don't help at least they know what happened to their daughter..

    Please advise your friend not to do anything stupid like running away from the girl..that is all i can advise, i know its not easy as it seems to get a job and take care of the child..but its his choice...

    Last thing...dont ever nag at him because the moment you nag at him, he will stop listening to you advise..try talking slowly..telling your opinions or what you will do i that happens to you .etc

    Good Luck!

    Kid L

  27. wow that really sucks.  The one piece of advise I can give you is to be very supportive with him and keep things on the postive.  As for actual advice, I'd say to tell him that he needs to be supportive of his girlfriend and to think about how she must feels.  

  28. oh kay answer me this, he is actually serious in helping i am in the same boat i am 16 and knocked up and the dude was 15 and he wants noting to do with me! well to start out by helping just be there for her, help her with everything she does love and respect her for just doing the right thing and keeping the baby! next when he gets old enough get a job and help support to the best of his ability! but for now at such a young age just be there and assist her with her needs, she will be going through a lot and just needs a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold!

  29. he needs to realize his responsibility first.  he needs to stay in contact with the girl and they need to discuss just what they're going to do, it is time to be a man here.  the first consideration needs to be for the child , unfortunately there isn't just 1, there are 3.  he needs to discuss with the girl, and hopefully her parents what is best for the child.  if it is adoption, your friend needs to do what he can to pay for the medical expenses and be supportive in anyway he can.  if the two think they are capable of raising a child, he needs to get together with her and do some planning.  they need to figure out how they can stay in school, and work, and raise the child.  it will be very hard, but it can be done, and it can be rewarding. not the best way to start a family, but it is not hopeless.

  30. best advice to give him;


    & if he can't do that then he is an ***.

    he probably needs to get a job [goodluck @ only being 14 though].

    stay in school!

  31. well, first of all its ILLEGAL for his parents to have kicked him out at the age of 14. they can go to jail for child neglect and endangerment.

    him and his girlfriend need to sit down with HER parents and own up to their responsibilities. if he was grown up enough to have s*x and get the girl pregnant thr\en he needs to grow up and take responsibility

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