
Who can help another country that's in a critical state from lack of food, lack of money and lack of petrol?

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Who do we turn to help the poor? Name me some organisation that can help

How would they (the organisation) be able to recognise (that country) them is in a critical state that needs attention to the world?




  1. A variety of entities are helping countries in this situation:

    -- other countries

    -- various UN agencies (UNDP, WFP, UNICEF, etc.)

    -- international NGOs (Save the Children, CARE, MercyCorps, etc.)

    -- local NGOs partnering with NGOs from other countries

    A variety of individual, corporate and government donors fund these efforts.

    But the country to be helped has responsibilities too: to show that aid will be distributed to the most needy, quickly and equitably, to punish corruption, and to provide security for those trying to provide aid, for instance.

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