
Who can help me studying abroad.?

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first, let me give you some information about myself. I'm 17 years old and live in VN. And I want to study in a country that has high quality education such as UK, US, Sing, etc. However, the value of VN money is very low. So, my family isn't rich enough for me to study abroad after use 90% money we earn every month for my 2 brothers study aboard too (one in Korea, one in Japan)

And I'm an intelligent boy who has IQ: 120-130. Beside that, I'm active, creative, friendly, sense of humor, deligent, take pains to study. If you believe in my ability, in the success of me in the future, please help me. Thank you very much.




  1. i recommad china or india. china and nietnam have a lot in commom in terms of politic and economy,china began economic reform decades earlier than your country,which is moving forward in the same way created by china. if you want to see vietnam in 2020,china may be a good illustration.anybody knowing the future must be able to earn huge profit.

    second, the quality of high education in china maybe can not match those of US UK etc, but  it is cheap, people are very friendly,especially in the north.

  2. So you're asking for someone to give you money?

  3. i live in the UK the only thing u could do is get in touch with universities and colleges where ever u want to go.

  4. I must say I envy you, studying a broad. No, wait ...

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