
Who can help me with school?

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if i went to school as a freshman at one college and had a really bad experience could i go to another college without transferring my grades and stuff to the the next college and leave the past in the past and restart everything over from scratch




  1. Ya, just tell em you have no classes to transfer

  2. If you don't report your prior school and classes it is actually considered to be fraud- punishable by jail time and permanent expulsion from the new school.  Because of the shared-information computer systems they have now, it would be very easy for them to catch you doing this, so I would not recommend it.  Especially if they are both public schools- they will look you up by your social security number and find your information (and your lie) immediately.

    You're just going to have to suck it up and accept the bad grades and try to do better in the future.  You can pull your GPA back up if try hard.

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