
Who can i add to my Canadian Work Permit????

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I Have a 2 year Canadian Work Permit.

I will be adding my wife & Daughter, but my wife's sisters lives with us in UK and will be coming to canada with us. can i Add her to my Permit??




  1. No... you can only add the Spouse and your Children...

  2. From:

    "If you want your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children to come with you to Canada, they must apply to do so. For more information about bringing family members with you, go to Frequently asked questions in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page."

    and from

    "Your spouse or common-law partner and children can come with you to Canada or visit you in Canada, but they must meet all the requirements for temporary residents to Canada: they must satisfy an officer that they will only stay in Canada temporarily, and they may have to prove that they have no criminal record. If your spouse or common-law partner and children need temporary resident visas, they must also meet all the conditions for obtaining those visas.

    If you, your spouse or common-law partner and children all apply together, you do not have to fill out a separate application form for each individual: list their names and the other necessary information about them in the appropriate space on your application. If you need more space, attach a separate piece of paper and indicate the number and letter of the question you are answering.

    If your spouse or common-law partner and children all apply separately, they must each fill out an application form.

    If your family members want to follow you to Canada later, they must each fill out a separate application form."

    Perhaps most critically,

    Who are considered family members?

    "Family members are the immediate members of your family. Your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children are your family members.

    A common-law partner is a person of the opposite or same s*x who lives with you now and has lived in a conjugal relationship with you for at least one year.

    Dependent children may be your own children or those of your spouse or common-law partner. A child must meet the requirements of type A, B or C below to be considered a dependent child."

    So,your sister-in-law will have to apply by herself. What Immigration Canada is trying to avoid is a situation where oodles of relatives all come over with only one applicant eligible to work. The matter is the financial cost of supporting all these relatives, not to mention the burden on our already overburdened health care system.

    However, to confirm for certain whom you can add to whatever permit application you have, you really ought to contact the Canadian High Commission closest to you and ask them personally.

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