
Who can i ask for a ride home everyday from school? *ADOLESCENT*?

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My parents think I ride the bus but I dont want too because there are always fights, arguments, and its hot and crowded too. I know i shouldnt be complaining but for the first week of school, my friends parents took me home everyday and now im just getting on their nerves.

i cant ask anyone else and i really dont want to ride the bus. its too intimidating. my apretscant pick me up because they hve to work nd they'll yell at me if i ask thm. DONT SAY JUST RIDE THE BUS HOME




  1. Find someone in your neighborhood who drives home from school and carpool with them.  Carpooling means 2 or more people who are not from the same family ride in the same car to simplify driving around in a car.  Just give them some money for gas each month.

  2. What's CARPOOL?????????  Are you serious?

    When I grew up, we didn't have a choice... EVERYONE rode the BUS unless you had SPECIAL PERMISSION to drive to school, or the rare time when a parent would drive you to school.

    What is WRONG with school buses these days, that they are violent?  I can only remember a small handful of fights on buses throughout my k-12 days, and none of them were ever serious.

    Is there no other form of public transportation in your community?  How far is the school?  Not possible to ... oh dare I say it... WALK??

    Have a polite day.

  3. well there really isnt any other way then to just ride the bus home..even though you said not to say that..the only other thing is you can offer to help one of your friends moms after school maybe some yard work or something to pick you up from school everyday then im sure they wouldnt mind taking you..

  4. Meet with one of your friends or ride a motorcycle

  5. Is there someone in your neighborhood that you can carpool with?

    But with gas prices so high right now, you'll likely have to come up with cash to pay for gas no matter who you ask for a ride with.  

    If the busses are as bad as you say, you need to tell someone that you aren't comfortable riding them.  That you don't feel safe on them.  Whether that's a counselor, a teacher, a friend's parent, or your parents.

  6. Ask ur friends for a ride home... tell em u cna pay for gas and u really need the favor.

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