
Who can i contact/talk to if handyman, super or even landlord not doing theiir job?

by  |  earlier

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i have this big hole in my bathroom ceiling for over a month. the super finally comes takes pictures, sends it to landlord to give permission for the painters to come and fix it. one painter came at the time he was supposed to @9 but there was a guest using the bathroom for a seond and thats what i told him. he told me that he would be back in 10-20min. i went down to look for them and didn't find. i went again 20min later and saw handyman. he told me the painter left. i cussed him out because this has happened before and i got tired of biting my tongue so i let him have it. with all the arguing he told me they would be back again the very next day. i came back up and called th landlord, left a message. i told him my name, address, apt, what it was regarding, and what had happened. as usual, no call back and when the next day came the painters still haven't showed up. i have a 1yr old and can't give her a bath in the bathroom because of this situation. i live here for more than 15yrs.




  1. legal aid.. put your money in escrow acct. that why it shows ur paying but the landlord wont get paid until he makes repairs

  2. YOU  call  your  local   LEGAL  AID  in  your  town  and  they  will  help  you  .......they  have  a  book    too....."Tenants  Rights."

    go  get  one  and  always  protect  your  self....good  luck

  3. call the police and get a report...take it to court and you will not have to pay the rent...the judge will put the money in escrow and it willbe used to fix the problem.

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