
Who can i help homless children?

by Guest65252  |  earlier

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i love children




  1. you can find out what charities in your area deal with homeless children by searching on the web and asking them if there is Any voluntary workers needed also you can ask to become  involved in fund raising

  2. give them proper education/scholarship and provide them basic life skills and techinical/mechanical/office skills so that they can use that later on to find jobs

  3. Is there any special country that you would like to help? there are orphanages in Morocco, and I know of a great place in Romania - I used to work there. some of the children in orphanages heve been placed in group homes - the first group home was built by Bruce and Sandie with funds from their church in Philadelphia.

    Many freinds have learned of their project and continue to help with sending out provisions ot cash donations, some go to work and help out there. ther is always some need. Till now, Bruce and Sandie have built 6 group homes enabling the children to live normal likes as a family. They will continue to build and support as long as they are being supported.

    Local people in Nicoresti (Romania)  are regular houseparents who have been properly vetted asnd have the correct qualifications to be in that position.

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