
Who can justify why english footballers....?

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are paid so much money when sunday league sides can play better?? Duncan Edwards would be turning in his grave. I think the standard is so poor because they have nothing to aim for - they have all the money they could ever want - so what if they play poorly?? They will still get paid. Bring out the youngsters and start bringing them through instead of ploughing more money to over paid, over rated so called 'stars' who are well past their sell by date.




  1. i bloody well agree with you ,well said

  2. Same thing here in America. The most egregious example of overpaid athletes is embodied by Major League Baseball.

  3. A rest over the summer will improve their club game next season.

  4. I hav just had the very same conversation with my friend.....why should they even bother to try when they get paid anyway!!!! they hav no incentive to do well...........:@(

  5. Lampard c**p, Bridge c**p, McClaren c**p

  6. Maybe too busy with hookers?

  7. sack mclaren

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