
Who can make the U.S. safer? McCain or Obama?

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Who can make the U.S. safer? McCain or Obama?




  1. Obama!

    republicans have done enough...Let's try something new!

  2. Obama

  3. we the people send emails letters to your congressman and senators in your state the more that people demand it takes a lot of people the more they will listen if you like keep your job

  4. McCain. He understands the difference between law enforcement and military issues.

  5. Gordon Brown

  6. McCain is a big stick GOP who talks a lot of aggression... and we know those are the guys who start wars and wreck US economies.

    I'd trust Obama over McCain any day. He's smart like JFK.

  7. None of them, they're both owned by the same corporate elite, Ron Paul on the other hand can change America for the better.

  8. McCain from osama

  9. mccain,hands down.obama wants to destroy our nukes and cut the military budget by 350 billion a year! so much for supporting our troops and staying on top!

  10. Obama of course.

    We've had multiple terrorist attacks under Bush... 9/11, DC sniper, anthrax in the mail... and now Mccain thinks it's a good idea to emulate this bozoo???

  11. Neither. No matter how much you want to protect anything, bad people will always find a way to ruin everything.

  12. Since McCain is a military man, he understands the militant mind set, so my thought is that he would be the stronger person for our defensive position.  Obama thinks he can talk sense to these people, can't be done!  They may even fool him into believing that they can be trusted when they most certainly cannot!  Not all Muslims want to kill us, of course, but how many does it take with a nuclear weapon to make us sit up & take notice, just one does it for me!

  13. Safer from what or who, terrorists or our own?

    Terrorists only killed 3,000 people here in 2001

    Our own drunk drivers killed 17,000 that same year....."and" every year since

    Not to mention all the other killings.....

    Who do we really need to be protected from?

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