
Who can name some of all these amazing accomplishments and experiences that Sarah Palin has had?

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I think you are all just playing a joke on us. There is NO WAY you can be serious about this selection. I am SHOCKED by it. Has to be the worst decision since Bush chose Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court. Either the two of them have had an affair and this is the only way to cover it up or we need to file a power of attorney on McCain because he's officially lost it.




  1. She won the job as mayor, then governer, then VP choice after being an extreme long shot in all three cases.  She won the state basketball championship and a local beauty contest.  Her only loss I know of is losing the being only second runner up for the Miss Alaska contest.  She also beat back the special interests even in her own party as governor of Alaska.  Want more?  Youngest governor of Alaska and first woman Republican VP candidate.  Basically, she's a winner.  She's also a maverik, like McCain.  For example, she's probably the only person on Earth who supports both g*y rights and the teaching of Creationism.


    Shes a pretty good choice in opinion, not only for what she has accomplished but she is a very good choice for conservatives. Do not underestimate her.

  3. I think you are an uninformed person who has a closed mind.

    Governor Sarah Palin has facilitated a gas pipeline that pissed off the oil companies.  It will generate $112billion of income for the state over 20 years and create 12,000 new jobs.  On September 12th every man, woman and child in Alaska will get a check for about $3300.  This is an annual event.  Can your governor do this?

    As mayor she increased services in the fastest growing community in the country (for last 12 years) by 350% and lowered property taxes to 0%.  Plus created the police department with 22 officers (Wasilla relied on state troopers before Sarah was mayor).

    Get informed you might learn something.

  4. A group of friends and I tried to figure it out.. we came up with:

    1. Runner up to Miss Alaska

    2. Check out the bazungas

    3. Hockey Mom

    4. Hates Polar bears

    5. Made McCain's ticket a lot more "interesting"

    It's an ongoing list, I will let you know if there are anymore later.

  5. She has had a multitude of personal successes, but I'll just post some of her political ones for relevancy:

    Palin has more executive experience than Obama, but the liberals seem to keep forgetting that that they're comparing a presidential candidate to a VICE presidential candidate...So, to point out Palin's supposed 'lack of experience' makes their presidential candidate's lack even more glaring.

    Palin is the first woman governor of Alaska, the first person to serve as governor that was born after Alaska was granted statehood, was mayor and served on city council.

    She has traveled overseas, more times than Obama, to visit wounded soldiers and one of her sons is set to be deployed to Iraq in September.

    Palin’s accomplishments in Alaska dwarf Obama’s time in the Senate. She has killed pork barrel projects including the Bridge to Nowhere and passed ethics reform in Alaska that effectively ended the political career of many Republicans. She passed a constitutional ban on g*y marriage but signed into law benefits for homosexual couples. And unlike the current Senate, has passed a budget in the amount of $6.6 billion that included several hundred cuts in wasteful programs, saving taxpayers over $200 million.

    Palin's popularity soared above 80% as she shelved pork-barrel projects by fellow Republicans and jump-started a campaign by her lieutenant governor, Sean Parnell, to unseat veteran U.S. Rep. Don Young of Alaska, who is now being investigated by the FBI.

    Ms. Palin has shown similar boldness in going after Big Oil, whose money has long dominated the state and helped fund its Republican machine. In a snub to the oil majors, she has proposed TransCanada Corp., a Calgary energy company, be given the primary contract to lead the $30 billion job to build a natural-gas pipeline from Alaska's North Slope.

    "Palin has accomplished a feat which has eluded the U.S. Congress for many years. She has pushed through the Alaska legislature a natural gas pipeline project which will bring new supply and price relief to the lower 48:

    On Aug. 1, the same day the call for a vote on drilling began on the House floor, the Alaska state Senate approved a package of measures to license a new natural gas pipeline. House Bill 3001 lets Palin award the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act license to TransCanada Alaska, a pipeline builder that cast a winning bid of five.

    The legislature had been trying for 30 years to authorize something like this and, up until now, had blown it. Palin got it through. Getting it off the ground, the state says, will be the biggest construction project in U.S. history.

    Palin considers the $26 billion project her biggest accomplishment as governor. "It was not easy," she told IBD. "Alaska has been hoping and dreaming for a natural gas pipeline for decades. What it took was getting off the dime and creating a competitive market in Alaska."

    The 1,715-mile gas line would stretch from Alaska's North Slope to Fairbanks and down to Alberta, Canada. Then it would take existing gas lines to Idaho. In 10 years, Palin says, the lower 48 states would receive 4.5 million cubic feet of natural gas a day. By 2030, according to Energy Department estimates, Alaska's annual natgas production would quintuple to 2 trillion cubic feet."

    There's much more, but I think you may be getting the point.

  6. Well, you evidently didn't watch the news. As governor she cleaned up corruption in the Alaskan government. she's done more then Obama has done as a senator. That's what's wrong with this country you would rather have a guy in office that has done nothing then someone who has accomplished something. My question to you is what did Obama do as senator? and what is Obama's plan as president? Because I have yet to hear this please explain if you can.

  7. The Federal government gave Alaska money to build a bridge. She canceled the building of the bridge and gave tax dollars that I paid to the Federal government, to Alaskan residents.

    She also fired everyone that made her mad. She has been sued in the past for doing this, and is currently under investigation.

  8. She was a TV Sports Commentator for an Alaska TV station  before she got into politics, and of course a beauty queen, a mayor, councilwoman, gov.

    the news media may be a little kinder to her as she is one of their own who is making good.

  9. More than all of Osamas 'present' votes

  10. Wait, your forgetting the famous "What did x do for the people of x state?" and other myriad McCain-antisms.

  11. You go first. You name some of OMonster accomplishments, then I will beat you I'm sure. Give me a break. You have a clown running for President, did you really think he would win. Their will either be the first black President, or the first woman Vice President. You tell me which one their going to pick. Obama will lose either way. But it will be politically correct when he loses to a woman.  

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