
Who can recomend me a good FRS two way radio that has a good range?

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I have a frs/gmrs two way radio,and it suposely

has a range of "25 miles"we all know that it wont

even reach 3 miles this radio has an out put power of 5watts,manufactors probably test this radios in the desert where nothing is in the way thas how they get all this miles,but any ways,can any body recomend me a good one? thanks




  1. heres where we evaluated them before buying ours...................

    we got the Midland GXT600, and it works better than my friends pager network service

  2. pretty much the GMRS radio website is the best but remember, if you talk over 1/2 watt you are actually talking illegally on GMRS which requires a license.

    But on GMRS, I've talked about 3-5 miles over country terrain with no problems with 1/2 FRS radios only good for 1/2 mile at most or so... Mountian tops or even talking on top of a building will get you the 25 miles as rated but no one says that....

    Also look at a radio group called MURS which operate on 151 and 154 MHZ , only allows 2 watts but you can add an outside antenna meaning car to car more miles as well as on a lower frequency which is better in the country vs GMRS/FRS at 462 Mhz being better in the city

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