
Who can seriously say something good about Gordon Brown?

by Guest33516  |  earlier

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With the state our government is, who can?




  1. to be honest , i think he is calm , the world country does not seem aware the current problems are occuring world wide. for instance look at fuel prices? the UK and Global economy depends on the USA economy , so if the US economy is at fault, theres nothing the British can do much about it .

    The Man Gordon Brown is calm , collective and is very inteligent, compared to his conterpart DAVID CAMERON

    New laws and new problems would ocure wen david is in office , thats not good

  2. I'm an American, but I do like Gordon's brand fishsticks.  That's as close as I can get to something good for Mr. Brown; that he shares the name of a corporation that sells the most awesome fishsticks I have ever tasted.

    Oh, and apologies to all of you for our guy.  Bush means well, but...

  3. I'm sure his party can.

    But as for me, if he doesn't do something about this petrol crunch Britain will be in crisis for years! I feel sorry for the Haulige drivers, they suffer the most

  4. I can!! =D

    He's made the Tory party become popular again.



  5. anything good about any pollitician?

  6. As a former Labour voter for nearly 50years!I cannot think of anything to say about Gordon Brown in a positive way!The man is a political cretin!That is the nearest thing I can say positive about Gordon Brown!

  7. That's easy.

    He's not a Tory.

  8. HE'S GOOD - FOR FECK ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. The good thing is that he ain't gonna be PM for much longer and that he presided over the annihilation of Britain.

  10. his a loveable wench is that nice enough in a not nice way =D

  11. His mum?!

  12. He promised no more spin and...hold on...err

    Umm, he promised no more boom and bust on...

    Ammm...he said he would get our troops out of Iraq by last Christmas and....hold, that's not right...

    His moral compass is...d**n...okay, hold on...

    Sorry, I'm beat.

  13. He's like that Chumbawamba song. Gets knocked at every opportunity, every day. But gets up every morning to do it all again. Must be pretty thick-skinned to do that. In other words he's got resilience by the bucketload.

  14. Possibly Mrs Brown.

  15. He's not Tony Blair...

    Rats, I know that's not good enough!

    Got it: He's not Harriet Harmon or even worse Hazel Blears.

  16. If I was a politician I could, but I'm not and I don't like lying , so I wont.

  17. He'll be gone soon... thats about it.

  18. The impossible,i Can do now, miracles take a little longer.

  19. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm....his mum or his wife maybe...not me!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. He's scottish.

    Thats somethin good, kinda

  21. Gordon Brown....R.I.P.

    That is the only good thing I can say about him. I wish him no harm on a personal basis, I just wish he and his ilk would go away. He and his party make anarchy look like a viable option, how bad can it get?

  22. no, not seriously but the only good thing that comes to mind is that his name sounds a bit like the stranglers song.

  23. I had always had respect for Gordon Brown for not being a showman like Blair and he's quite genuine....then he came out with all that bile about Israel being the greatest achievement of the 20thc...makes sense...if stealing a country from the poor to give to the rich is an achievement...

  24. Illegal immigrants and people carrying knives because you can't touch criminals.

    Oh, one good thing "He looks dorky when his mouth does that funny thing".

  25. Hariet Harman and erm, erm, erm, erm, erm

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