
Who can stand experiencing this disaster in Chinese position?

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I am a Chinese girl,I love my country.I hope that everybody can treat this disaster objectively. Nobody hopes that such a thing happens.

My BLOG has recorded this disaster's progress newly most,

I hope the information that you get is correct,You can visit this





  1. a good one. i donated some money already :-)

  2. Hey, I'm 17 in China. Yeah, as u say, we all wanna help our country, CCTV-1 and CCTV-4 and CCTV NEWS have a live report 24 hours a day!! I 'm not sure whether u could b informed well, the things seemed terrible cos Sichuang is a province with numerous mountains. Many goods can't b sent into the disaster areas though the central govornments try their best to do that. I hope u r nor from Sichuang. My sister's in Chongqin, she told me it was really sad if u have seen the scene after the disaster. Fortunately, public r giving a great hand to the central govornments and Sichuang people, our prime minister Wen Jiabao went to there on 12th's night, he encouraged the people and show his great care for people, which touches millions of Chinese. LEE Jiancheng donated 7000000RMB(If i have a good memory), Jackies Chen, YAO Ming, Jay Zhou donated several billion RMB, Macao HK SARs and Taiwan, even Japan gave us really a big help. Though the disaster is very horrible, however, on the other hand, I'm really glad and pround to see almost every Chinese gave their hands for the country and the people in Sichuang.  

    KEEP IN TOUCH!    I wanna call up the Chinese who r abroad and the foreigners to help our country ,support people in Sichuang``!!!  Thanks you

  3. I hope you are well, and my thoughts go out to those who have suffered by this.

  4. My heart goes out to all your people... there are some things in this world that none of us can control.

  5. People are people and that is that. The heartbreak that China is feeling at the moment must be enough to melt the hardest heart. How many familes are now childless? Devastating!. If I could, I would be there helping to rescue those poor souls stuck in those collapsed buildings; My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friends family and the Chinese population. A horrible disaster, hopefully never to be repeated. God Bless.

  6. The photo showing the bodies lying on a brick sidewalk tells enough to get personal with how bad it is and how good the government is taking care of what has happen there 130,000 military last count it was I read on cnn helping already there

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    and I do keep in touch with the world to see how the rest of it lives

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    This keeps me glad with what I have and not what I don't have

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    Thanks for the short cut and it is in Chinese language

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  7. I for one feel that this is a horrible thing.  All of the suffering going on his hard to see.  My heart goes out to the Chinese people.  I can't imagine losing a loved one this way.  So many people are judgemental about why things happen.  Calamaties all over the world have been prophecied.  Last I checked, none of them listed specific areas and for specific reasons.  Let God be the judge.

  8. I admire the way the Chinese sprang into action so smoothly when this catastrophe happened. Thousands of troops and teams of medics shipped into disaster areas within hours. The logistics of simply feeding the helpers (and survivors) in the stricken areas boggles the mind.

  9. I wish people in here would make up their minds. Boycott China, help China. Make up your mind. It was a bad earthquake but it's still China.Sending money to unknown help sites is foolish.

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