
Who can suggest Stock Exchanges to be opened for 24 hours ?

by Guest34089  |  earlier

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It seems like all Gains are taken out before trading the only possible solution is that trading must be allowed for 24 hours , atleast Graph and data fluctuation must be shown 24 hours.Poverty will be finished from earth if exchange opens for 24 hours.




  1. Great idea! I wish you good luck in convincing all the established institutions :)

    Forex is open 24/7....

  2. Well that was leave companies with a big problem.  They would have no time at which they could announce their earnings.  They always do the announcements when the markets are closed. The government also always makes its dreaded anouncements when the markets are closed.

  3. If the would be traders to drive the markets for 24 hrs then it can work but good idea

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