
Who can take this and turn it into a poem?

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This is what it feels like when your`e coming out of depression.

Help me turn it into poetry.




  1. You never know it happens until you realize

    Something’s wrong.

    It’s not a familiar pain, not an obvious mar.

    You don’t know it’s there

    Until it’s made you loose your way.

    I stepped into quicksand, and it took me slowly.

    I just needed a step to get out, just a little will power,

    But I didn’t want to.

    I wanted different, and I wanted gone.

    Everyone got taller, I noticed,

    Just a little every day.

    Everyone got further and further away.

    The calls and the cries got softer,

    Until I was under, then it was just silence

    I could get out, I know how.

    But I just lied in the silence

    The numbing silence.

    It didn’t feel any different, didn’t feel wrong.

    Until I took a deep breathe, and realized

    There’s no air.

    I crawled out, emerging from the ground like someone dead,

    And took the breathe I missed breathing.

    I felt like a butterfly, different, not myself

    But better.

    More breaths came as I saw the change of my surroundings.

    As if someone changed all the streets signs,

    And everyone knew it but me.

    I just couldn’t stop breathing the sweet air I’d missed.

    In the water, I’m not me.

    I’ve changed, I’m different.

    That pain is unfamiliar, just like my reflection.

    Those I love don’t recognize me,

    They don’t talk to me.

    I try to talk to them, but my throat is closed.

    I try to get them to see me, but they won’t look.

    I’m not a beautiful butterfly, not yet.

    I will be.

    I’m not ground-bound anymore

    I’ve got wings: they’re just rusty.

    I can’t fly, but I’ll learn.

    I’m just happy to be free.

    The pain still lingers, just slightly on the surface of my skin

    Slightly weighing down my wings when I fly.

    Slightly restricting as I reconnect with my friends, my family.

    But from my heart the weight is gone, from my eyes, the blindfold taken.

    Actually, there never was a blind-fold there,

    I just chose not to see.

  2. Lost in oblivion



    Tears, as if drowning

    Water over my head

    Rising Hope

    The feel of rescue

    Sensation returns

    Fear fades

    Happiness returns

    Close is the darkness

    Afraid of its feel

    Abandoning of reality

    Silence of fear


    I hope you like this

    !When I read what you wrote I was touched, and it brought a tear, I have been there also,

    It 's that kind of reality when you wonder if your life--- will ever see the light of day for the darkness it feels!! Cheers!!

  3. This is just off the top of my head but here goes...

    Coming through the fog in layers,

    I have been lost for hours and hours.

    Can it be me I see in mirrors?

    I feel that I have drowned for years.

    Now I walk, I skip, I run

    To catch an atom, feel the sun,

    I feel the darkest days are done

    May there never be another one.

  4. i answered the other one just like this go to it and see


    sadness in my life

    an atom in my hand

    drowning in the water

    all alone in fear

    who is in the mirrror

    no longer a careless kid

    deprission is a cycle

    of witch i cannot rid

    i am trapped and frightened

    lost in endless fog

    ive been lost for hours

    will i ever come back again?

    horror fills my dreams

    my eyes are wet with tears

    one solemn scream that every one hears

  5. This doesn't really rhyme much, but I thought I would give it a try just to exercise my mind a little.

    Nowhere -

    Dark clouds of depression gather.

    bringing a flooding rain.

    Drowning in a lake,

    trying to swim away,

    for hours,

    but I'm caught,

    underneath a fog,

    and I can't see,

    any peace ahead.

    But I do see

    my reflection,

    bouncing in the lake ripples.

    surround by gray.

    I swim from day to day.

    in hopes that I will near the end,

    the end, of the lake,

    of the rains,

    of the fog,

    called depression.

    A nowhere,

    a place that is abandoned.

    Flooded by intentions,

    that never seem to happen.

    I could go on but I think this is sufficient.

    Please make more exercises, there fun, and I as well as others can grow from them.

  6. Emergence

    A memory's memory, fuzzy

    I remember but I know not what

    everything is just so d**n gray

    Floating now...but lifeless

    visions wavy, passing by,  I try

    but I can't reach them to see

    my anger builds but I don't care

    suspended in this world of gray

    And then, as if someone spoke

    "child, reach for this light...reach!"

    I do, as if a lifeline it pulls me up

    pulls me free from the gelatinous goo

    and I see once again, clearly

    I see the hallway with two mirrors

    both reflecting me. One in dark gray, the

    other is brilliant light.  I walk forward

    no longer afraid of the light, it welcomes me

    I smile and then cry, cry for joy

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