
Who can tell about the stones scattered on the rail road? What is the purpose?

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Is there any especial function of rail road stones?




  1. Just think about it - and read the answers to the other numerous questions on this subject. You could not lay railraod tracks direct to uneven ground. Just like a road or a house, a rail line needs foundations and that is what, in effect the stones, or ballast, is. It also serves the other purposes mentioned in other answers, but a foundation on which the lines can be laid level and give a smooth ride is the fundamental purpose. If there were no ballast train could not run at much above 5 mph and would, even then, be prone to constant derailment.

  2. Allows floodwater to pass through without washing the rails and sleepers away

  3. Yep, they have 3 purposes...... mostlly for water run off but also to catch any lubricants from trains to prevent them from being soaked into the ground & they are also the best (most economical) way of preventing track & sleeper movement.

    My Grandfather was a locomotive engineer. I asked this question too when I was a kid.

  4. I had thought it was just erosion control, but mountain... has educated me.  Thanks, mountain...

  5. Used to raise track above ground level so tracks dont sit in water, is self levelling, and dampens vibration

  6. The 'rocks' on rail tracks (well, between and around them) are called ballast. It serves several functions.

    1) It prevents the rails from moving sideways which would be the natural tendency around most curves - the train would normally push the lines outward and the ballast stops this happening for the most part.

    2) It provides a cushion and a bed for the track to lie on - the cushioning effect gives a smoother train ride and prevents hard jolting, and the bed means the rails won't sink into the ground in some places which would give a rollercoaster-like ride and be very uncomfortable as well as dangerous.

    3) It aids drainage of the rail lines - the water will not be able to sit around the sleepers or ties which could rust or rot them, and similarly the steel rails, but it drains through the ballast and away.

    4) It is an easy way to make a level running surface for trains - special track tamping machines are used to re-pack these ballast rocks around and underneath rails where they have been pushed out by the constant passing and vibration of trains. Much easier than trying to make a completely level track bed on the earth, and cheaper than using concrete beds all the way too.

    5) also to catch any lubricants from trains to prevent them from being soaked into the ground

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