
Who can tell me Where does sell oolong tea in China?

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Who can tell me Where does sell oolong tea in China?




  1. If u want to buy in reality, u'd better go to AnXi ,FuJian province.The best oolong tea are producted in there.

    Taiwan, Guangdong,FuJian,people in this area love to drink this kind of tea.I'd better to drink green tea "Lung Ching" myself.

    May be u can try to buy it via is the biggest shopping site in china, there are 28320 search results of"oolong tea".

    I am doing service for people who want purcharse stuffs on but with no china bank card.I will do searching,translating,bargaining,shippin... u, u just describe what u want.Of cause, i'll earn some service  tips....just a bit.-_-

    Anyway. u can add me on u MSN , mine is

  2. I am not sure what the question is but...

    If you want to buy oolong tea in my city, you can go to the grocery store or to the local Asian store and get it. I imagine that you can do that in your city too.

    If you want to buy it in China..  almost anywhere in China you can get oolong tea

    try the internet, buy it online direct from China, or perhaps you might want to try ebay


    good luck

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