
Who can tell me about my Scorpio in Mercury?

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hi in process




  1. yeah, that's part of his problem  

  2. I'm sure you can look that up in any Astrology 101 book and get a good idea, so I think you are asking for something more personal.

    Well, I have son who has a mercury in Scorpio in the 8th.  He is extremely intelligent and persistent.  When he sets a goal (eg. master a video or computer game, learn to play the guitar, build a robot, etc.), he has  tenacity with tunnel vision until he reaches that goal. Nothing can distract him.   He knows exactly what he likes and doesn't like - no wishy washy ideas.  He is a deep thinker.  Thank goodness he has a venus in Libra to balance it out.

    Edit:  Why is your Avatar upside down?

    Edit:  Laro, what are you doing?  You look confused.

    Edit:  That's better; now stay that way!!!

  3. Hi Laro

    You had better watch all that blood going to your head. LOL But, some like to meditate like that. Now as for Mercury in Scorpio, you are difficult to convince. You have an active mind, are shrewd and somewhat sarcastic and probably have a good steady flow of language.

    You probably like secrecy, possess manual dexterity, with the ability to invent or discover. I agree with Janet  that you can pursue a train of thought with much concentration.

  4. Mercury in Scorpio will give you a tendency to keep secrets...not tell what you know even when it would clarify the issue. Not so with other people's secrets though...their secret lives are food for thought for you.

  5. I do not have a mercury in scorpio but have it in the 8th house sextile my venus is scorpio among other aspects. All trines and sextiles.

    I know that as a Sag with Gem rising I can look kind of "flimsy", easy going and all that.

    I do not know about yours but I can obsess - for good or bad - about things and if something interests me I will not give up.

    Am hyper secretive though...only people close to me know this part of myself.

    My mercury can get overworked though and all of a sudden I become deadly serious which can be a surprise to some.

    Enjoy your mercury in gives very good flair ! etc etc etc

    "speaking from my own won't say much more"


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  7. Dude!  You're like upside down!

  8. they got scorpions on mercury?

    send me one

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