
Who can tell me abt the UFO & Alien. Anyone is their? pls suggest me. i'm interested them. i love them.?

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Who can tell me abt the UFO & Alien. Anyone is their? pls suggest me. i'm interested them. i love them.?




  1. there is some siting of an alien headquater near japan where all ships and planes which went only for pupose of interrogating that plane were lost mysteriously

    two days ago a pic has been sent by a satellite conforming some activity(nobody knows what kind of) going on in that region  the place is just 80 khs awaya from japan's lowest point .....

    also havent u heard abt that famous area 51 in usa

  2. The best resource is (English Discussion Forum) Use the search engine there or just go by the headings...

    In particular it is the Questions and answers to Billy Meier, in which he confirms or denies certain UFO contactees or information, etc ...

    There is a DVD out called "The Silent Revolution of Truth" which is an an excellent introduction about Billy Meier and the various proof/evidence available.  While all this information is at various sites, etc --- it is all there on the one DVD and then some...

    I have been following on this for the past 5 years, downloading everything I can ... there is a great deal of information to absort - that is worthwhile to do so.

    It is recomended not to pay attention to the Randolph (Randy) Winters information about Billy Meier - because it is not so accurate.  As to the critics against Meier - their criticisms do not stand up, whereas those who have researched into Meier do - and verified what he claimed.

    Also look up the Disclosure Project, and

  3. this will blow your mind

    and the 2001 press conference

  4. There are no aliens except in movies and people's imagination. The various UFO sightings and stories of alien visiting is all humbug. If they had been real and had entered the earth's atmosphere without getting burned up and had gone back, they must be super intelligent. They will not just come and go without destroying us or leaving some signs of developing friendships. To go back also they would require rocket propulsion to get out of earth's gravitation.

  5. research the following:


    Bill myers

    Philadelphia experiment

    Bob Lazar

    Odisea movie

  6. There is no evidence for aliens.  None.  Interstellar distances being what they are, it is almost certain that we will never know if we have neighbors in the galaxy.  While I am a lifelong science fiction fan, I cannot for the life of me understand how you can be in love with aliens.  How completely absurd. Even if they exist you will never know about them.  And if by some cosmic chance you met one, you would probably gag at the sight of them.  I suggest you develop an interest in astrobiology.

  7. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

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